(っ◔◡◔)っ ♡ Self ♡

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Hi guys, I'm so sorry for the sudden disappearance!! Christmas happened and then a lot of family things came up in January. Uploads from now on will be much more timely so I hope you enjoy <3

3rd Person POV

Bada's jacket hung loosely on her shoulders, falling off one of them and her hair wrapped around the bare shoulder falling perfectly. She tugged the stray strands behind her ear as she muttered the words: "I promised myself I wouldn't put us in this situation". Yun-Hee's heart banged against her ribs, screaming to be let out to be heard by everyone. Bada rested her weight on the door, dropping her height slightly to look into Yun-Hee's eyes. The red was burning through her cheeks as Bada's eyes scan her face, down her neck and landing on her collarbones. It was so quiet in the room that any small noise would've been enough to startle the both of them away from each other but their closeness gave Yun-Hee the comfort and confidence she needed. Her hand raised to cup Bada's cheek and allow her thumb to play with her soft skin. Bada melted into her touch and sighed out slowly. Yun-Hee watched as Bada slowly closed her eyes while breathing in and she took her opportunity. Yun-Hee caught Bada's breath on her lips as theirs connected. The softness melting one another and the grip of Bada's cheek tightening, pulling her closer. Their lips grew closer and the kiss deepened as Bada's tongue started to slowly make its way to meet Yun-Hee's. Her voice practically melted into her tongue, releasing a soft sigh into her mouth. Bada loosened her posture as she wrapped her free hand around Yun-Hee's waist, pulling her even closer than before. She may be shorter than Bada but watching how Bada could easily move her around to how she wanted only made Yun-Hee crave more. Her hands reached up and met Bada's nape and her fingers tangled into her long hair. The movement warranted a soft moan to escape Bada's lips this time. The kiss deepened but the girls stayed against the wall.

Yun-Hee POV:

A loud bang from outside the room interrupted everything that was going on with me and Bada unfortunately. We both just look at one another before untangling our bodies to rush outside. The sight was nothing short of interesting. Sowoen was laid on the floor, hair a mess and wet clothes, groaning while trying to crawl to the kitchen.
"Jesus! Are you okay?" Bada rushed over and tried helping the young girl up. I just ran over to the kitchen and poured a glass of water for her to drink from.
"I'm okay I just threw up." Sowoen looked up and tears had started to form in her eyes. My heart ached for my younger sister and I gave her the water I had in my hand and told Bada to grab a jumper from my room.

All went smoothly, we managed to get Sowoen back into bed and to sleep with some water and fresh clothes. Bada ended up sleeping in my bed with Sowoen to keep an eye on her. I tried going to sleep but thoughts of the kiss filled my mind. Her lips are so soft. Her skin is so soft. Her hair is so soft. She is just soft and safe. What would've happened if Sowoen didn't throw up? How far would things have gone? Was this just a drunken accident for Bada or did she really feel the same way as I did?


The alarm next to my head blares out and I drag my feet out of bed to the kitchen to make myself my daily coffee but instead am met with a beaming Bada Lee holding up a coffee cup to my hands. I look up at her, still groggy from just waking up but her voice melts my heart.
"Good morning sunshine." I take the coffee cup and sit down sipping at it while watching Bada work in the kitchen. What a sight to see. As I finish off the coffee I am met with some pancakes with blueberries and syrup in the shape of a smile. I can't help but chuckle at the cuteness of her. I take my phone out to take a quick photo to post on my story.

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