Chapter Thirty Two

Start from the beginning

The rage that flowed through me was enough to kill a fucking army of men. I look around and see that everyone luckily made it out.

"Bravo 1 to helo. How copy?" Price clicked the button to his coms. Silence. "Bravo 1 to helo. How copy?" Nothing. Price changes the channel on his coms and tries again, "Bravo 1 to Reacher. How copy?"

"Reacher to Bravo 1. What's your position?"

I step away and allow Price to give Laswell the coordinates to come and pick us up to take us back to base. I look out towards the grassy field as tears fell from my eyes. The small indention in the grass perked my attention.

I looked down at my feet and could see in the dirt that there was a struggle. Messy footwork as the lump in my throat grew bigger. I followed the trail in the grassy field until I reached the top of a small hill. Footsteps behind me caused me to be on high alert as I pulled my pistol from its holster and aimed it at the man who was sneaking up behind me. Soap.

"Jesus Johnny," I say as I reholster my pistol. "Warn me before you come sneaking up on me."

Soap doesn't say anything as he stands beside me, and we both look down at the dirt. Multiple sets of footprints, tire tracks and Harley's coms. I look up towards the sky fighting back the tears that were now reappearing. Soap reaches down and picks up her radio before immediately dropping it.

I look over at him as all color drains from his face. His hand is covered in blood. My eyes dart from his hand to the coms lying on the ground. "LT." That was all he said, and I knew. It was hers, but it hadn't completely dried yet, leaving us with some kind of hope that maybe they weren't too far away.

"Ghost to Bravo 1. How copy?"

"Here Ghost. Reacher is bringing a helo to land in the field. Expect to exfil in two minutes," Price said in my ear.

"Copy that Bravo 1," I replied.

I look over at Johnny as his face was still white as a sheet, "Were going to find her Johnny," I say as I place my hand on his shoulder like he did mine, "Get ready for a blood bath."

"I wouldn't want it any other way LT," he tells me. And he meant it.

Soap and I make our way to the field as the helicopter approaches and lands. The doors open on each side as Laswell jumps out and runs towards us, "What the fuck happened?!"

"It was a set up," I say to her dryly walking past her to get onto the helo.

She grabs me by my arm, stopping me, "Where is she?" she asks with panic in her voice.

I jerk my arm out of her grasp and before turning back around, I answer her, "They took her." Laswell's face dropped as I told her the news. I kept walking and boarded the helo.

After a few minutes, everyone boards and the helicopter takes off. Soap and I stare out the window looking to see if we can find vehicles that look out of place or speeding off. Nothing. My heart sunk in my chest even further as rage was filling the large void.

Nobody said anything on the way back to the base. I think it was for the best considering how little my patience had become and I was ready to snap anyone's neck at any given moment. I did glance over at Soap occasionally and his focus never shifted from the floor of the helo. He had disassociated several times, and I was trying not to. I needed to stay calm the best I could to focus on what to do. To focus on getting my girl back.

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