Chapter 2 - A Light, A Sign

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                                                           Chapter 2: A Light, A Sign

I woke up in a slightly frantic manner. In my dreams, well, more so as a 'lucid' dream, I saw a radiating flicker of light, a light blue one, turquoise. I remembered it vaguely as I saw the ominous light glimmer with the luminescence of stars but instead, it was a seemingly endless light than a star. After I woke up from that hectic frenzy dream I noticed I was glowing. No, that's not possible well, not for my ability. Is there someone that broke into the DOA house? That thought turned my emotions to an attentive, but solemn expression.

After throwing away my blankets, I arose and stood. Wearing the same clothes I wear every day, I put on my usual, 'custom' clothes. After brushing my hair for what seemed like years, I finally brushed it. There was no qualm about the mess, or at least it did not seem to be, in this case. Putting on my ushanka was a careful yet deliberate process. Afterwards, I put on my slippers that were still adjacent to my bed. I slip them on my feet and then walk out of my room just precariously making sure that no one broke into the DOA house. Despite his sleep, Nikolai would have been aware that burglars had broken in and trespassed in his house, which I find a creepy fact, but who am I to judge?

I cautiously tiptoed my way through the hallway towards Nikolai's room, aiming to confirm that he was not the one behind the blinding light earlier. Although I don't find Nikolai's jokes amusing, it was a bit uncomfortable yet peaceful to witness his face glowing with exuberant energy and joy afterward. The careful inspection I conducted around the hallway might have given the impression that I was an intruder, but I wouldn't be bothered if someone misunderstood, especially without considering the context. My stealthy approach to Nikolai's room certainly didn't make me appear salubrious whatsoever. 

I then proceeded to pickpocket Nikolai's room door with a hair clip that I always have in my clothing pocket. Cautiously lento, I made the door ajar and peeked inside to see if Nikolai was there or not or if he was planning another prank on me. When I made sure nothing was strapped with traps, I went into the room. I went into the room creepily (not peculiar at all) and noticed Nikolai snoring while sticking his foot out from under the blankets. I also noticed that it was four in the morning, 4:27 to be exact. The clock was all customized with clown pictures and a tall, yet small top hat. Nikolai always wears his hat when he's in work attire.

I then let my guard down for like a millisecond and then Nikolai suddenly woke up he looked at me in shock but then calmed down after another millisecond had passed. I was then ready to ask the big question.

"Kolya, Did you play some light type of prank on me?" I asked hopefully thinking that I would be able to get some more shut-eye. Nikolai looked at me questioningly so I now knew my answer before it was told. Now I know that it could have been just a dream, and I'm just imagining all of this.

"Hm, Dos-kun, whatever light thing your speaking of I had nothing to do with it! But you might have just had a nightmare. What did you see exactly?" Nikolai said reassuringly. He was right, it might have been a nightmare. But, I've never had a nightmare ever since... ever since my parents. The 'nightmare' I had might have been a sign of something that was coming in the future. 

"Well, it was a blinding light and it kept growing bigger and bigger until I woke up. I thought it was an intruder that put some ability on me. Then I assumed it was a prank made by you Kolya,"

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