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I've been here a week already, but I stayed an extra day cuz Dad needed to go to the doctor and run errands. He needed somebody to stay with Mom. I decided to stay and help out until he was done.

He left this morning and she was still sleeping. Around 10, she woke up and we ate breakfast. I let her take her medicine and we chilled outside on the deck. We were talking and listening to music. It really felt amazing to be able to do this with her.

After a while, she started looking for Dad. Of course, Dad wasn't around at the moment. She started being very mean to me and even hit me a few times. I could handle it to a certain extent. I eventually had to call Dad to come to calm her down cuz I got overwhelmed.

When he came, it took him like 30-45 minutes to fully calm her down. He fed her, gave her some medicine and she took a nap. I was exhausted so I ended up taking me a nap too.

I woke up to the smell of food. I grabbed my phone to see Ke had FaceTimed me. I clicked her name to call her back. I took my phone off the changer and rolled ova to the other side. She answered with a pout.

"What's wrong??" I asked

"I thought you were coming hommmmmeee..." she whined making me laugh

"I'm coming home tomar. Dad needed somebody to watch Mom so he could go run errands..." I said

"Oh my god, he don't love me no more..." she said like Yvette off Baby Boy

I started laughing so hard I started choking. Dad came in there to pat my back how hard I was dying laughing.

"I knew it had to be her. She the only person who can get you laughing until you bout to pass out..." my dad said as I was still laughing wiping my tears

"Wassup Unc..." Ke said smiling

"You gone make my baby go into cardiac arrest..." he said making her laugh

"She'll be alright..." Ke said

She and Dad talked while I went to the bathroom. I did what I needed and left out. I heard my dad talking from the kitchen. I went into the kitchen to see him talking to Ke and Arya. Ke turned the camera and I saw they were with Winter.

"Who's that??" My dad asked

"Who??" Ke asked

"That ole red guhh that was on the screen..." my dad said

Ke turned the camera again and it was Winter smiling in the camera.

"Hey..." she said

"Hey, what your name is??" He asked

"My name is Winter, nice meeting you..." she said

"Yo name Winter..." he said pushing his glasses up

"Yes sir..." she said

They were talking for a bit before Ke got back in the camera.

"Tell her a like them jeans..." he said

"Winter he said he likes your jeans..." Ke said before turning the camera back to Winter

"Ah thank you, just bought them..." she said smiling

"Is there any room for me in them..." he said

Her eyes went wide.

"Okayyyy, that's enough Dad..." I said taking the phone from him

Ke was on the phone hollering laughing.


Dad turned and looked at me.

"Was this the guhh you was talm about??" He asked and I nodded

He grabbed the phone.

"Put her on the phone..." he said

She gave Winter the phone.

"Yes sir..." she said

"You and my daughter together??" He asked

"No, we are not..." she said

"Why aren't you guys together??" He asked

"You'll have to get that information outta her sir..." she said

"Do you want me to make y'all be together??" He asked

"Nobody should be forced to be somebody they don't want to be with..." she said

"In the future??" He asked

"No one knows what the future may hold..." she said

"I'm with you when you right..." he said making her giggle
"Do you wanna be with my daughter in the future??"

She squinted her eyes at him.

"Pops tryna set me up..." she said before he and her laugh

"I almost had you..." he said as they laughed harder

"You gotta come quicker than that next time..." she said

"I gotcha..." he said

Ngl it warms my heart my heart that they were getting along so well. But it melted completely when she was talking to my mom. She had my mom smiling from ear to ear. Even had her blushing a bit.

After they talked it was time to eat. My dad cooked smothered pork chops in gravy. Rice, rolls, and green beans. We sat in the front room with Mom as we ate. After eating, I showered and went back to the front with Mom. I was lying on the couch with my head in her lap as she played in my hair. I was recording her until she knocked my phone out of my hand cuz I had a funny filter on her. I continued watching TV until I was woken up by Dad to go lie down.


I was finally on the way home. I didn't tell Ke I was coming home. She knew I was coming but didn't know when. I pulled up at home and she was there. I got out of the taxi, grabbed my bags from the man, and walked up my driveway. Before I could get to the door Ke busted the door open and ran to me.

"HEYYYY!!" She yelled before jumping into my arms

"Heyyy..." I said hugging her

"Oh my god, I feel like you've been gone for months..." she said making me laugh

I hugged her tighter and she kissed my cheek.

"Ke..." I said

She poked her lip out.

"Get the fuck down..." I said making her laugh

She got down, grabbed my bags, and ran with them inside the house. I got in the house and closed the door. The house was clean and it smelt good.

"You must cleaned up??" I asked

"I cleaned up yesterday..." she said before sitting on the couch and I did the same

"So, how was it??" She asked

"It was good. I was happy to be there with them, felt like my childhood all ova again..." I said smiling

"I'm glad you're spending time with them. Next time, I'll go..." she said and I nodded

We sat on the couch and talked. That was until we got hungry and we ended up going out to eat.

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