01. arthur christmas

Start from the beginning

Instead, she got Nick's number and texted him whenever they were being too loud. The triplets lived in the middle of two houses, so even if Elena wouldn't file a complaint, there's no telling what the other neighbor would do. So, to help them, she would text Nick whenever she could hear them in hopes to avoid anything happening from their other neighbor.

Eventually, through the year their friendship grew and Nick was considered as one of Elena's best friends. Matt was a little shier than Nick, only talking to Elena and Camila if he was the one to answer the door when they knocked or when they would call Nick to alert them of their volume.

Both girls were still kind and personable with Matt, they loved their little Matty-poo! But that's not surprising, because who wouldn't?

The only problem was Chris.

Chris was nice to Camila, he always said it was because both their names started with the same letter.

For some reason, the one time Elena knocked on the door ever since she became friends with the triplets, she was greeted by Chris, and she grimaced.

Chris took offense to this, pulling his neck back and raising an eyebrow in confusion, "hello?"

"Yeah, just wanted to tell you guys you're a little loud right now. I texted Nick but I think he's asleep. It's our system."

"Good for you. Me and Matt are running duos on Fortnite. So scurry along, now."

He shut the door in her face and Elena was dumbfounded.

Where did he get off acting like that? Was she rude first? Maybe. But she was just surprised to see Chris!

From that moment on, Elena had a personal vendetta against Christopher Owen Sturniolo, and the feeling was mutual.

It's not like she was offended or anything, she just couldn't believe someone could be that rude off the rip. After he closed the door, she stood there for a good few seconds before turning on her heel to walk back home.

Camila was sitting at their shared dinner table, laptop open and running through some PowerPoints for her next exam, "why is there the sourest look on your face right now?"

"Nick and Matt's brother is a little asshole, my God," she rolls her eyes as she hangs her key on the hook near the door.

"Really? Chris has always been nice to me, helped me put our groceries in yesterday," Camila all but shrugged.

She threw her hands up, clearly exasperated, "see! Like the fuck did I even do?"

Camila shrugged yet again, "I don't have any answers for you. Now go get your laptop and sit with me, I don't wanna be alone and I know you have an exam next week."

After this interaction, Elena never had the displeasure of being greeted at the door by Chris.

This didn't mean they stopped interacting. Elena and Camila found themselves constantly at the triplets' house whenever they were free or were bored, or when Roman was busy. Whenever he wasn't busy, he was also invited to the house and everyone was welcoming. Except for Chris.

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