Chapter 10-Complications

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Everything happened so fast. The stage lights came back on allowing visibility to return to the Chancellor's box. Cassandra crouched on the floor, her gown stained with wine, a massive glowing shield protecting her, the Senator, and the Chancellor. "Behind you!" She screamed at Anakin.

The Jedi whirled around to confront the intruder, a masked man in a durasteel suit with a blowgun in his hand

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The Jedi whirled around to confront the intruder, a masked man in a durasteel suit with a blowgun in his hand. Vaulting over the seats, he drew his lightsaber and went after the assassin.

The assassin ducked the first sweep of his blade, shoving a table over on him. Anakin swept it aside with a push of Force power and charged his foe.

The assassin fired a blowgun and a small dart skimmed by Anakin's cheek then the assassin fled the box, cape billowing behind him.

"Go after him, Anakin! Capture him!" Palpatine ordered, climbing unsteadily to his feet.

He required no further prompting. He tore out of the box and down the chairs, shoving past people after the fleeing assassin. Pulling out his commlink as he ran, Anakin ordered back up from the Temple to protect Cassandra. "Dispatch someone immediately."

"Yes, sir."

Cassandra would be safe with the Chancellor and his security until someone arrived.

The assassin leaped into a speeder hidden around the corner. Anakin lunged off the platform grabbing the left wing as it ascended into the sky. The wind ripped through his hair, his robes billowing wildly around him, obscuring his vision.

Anakin tried to crawl forward when the ship dipped and angled to the left, the assassin attempting to dump him off. Gritting his teeth, he held on as the speeder raced recklessly through the city.

"Anakin." Obi-Wan's muffled voice echoed from the pocket of his pants.

He couldn't reach the commlink to answer.

A cold sensation began to creep into his limbs. His fingers slipped, loosening their hold on the wing. Anakin latched back on. The traffic around him turned into blurs of color.

Kriff, what was happening to him?

"Anakin, I'm on my way." Obi-Wan said.

The speeder arced through a tunnel, dodging smaller craft. Spots ate at the edges of his vision. Anakin shook his head, but his sight didn't clear.

As the assassin's ship exited the tunnel, the last of Anakin's strength gave out and he plummeted toward the ground below.


Cassandra released the shield spell. Senator Brig brushed fragments of glass from her dress, grimacing in sympathy. "It's lucky you were able to react quickly, or you'd be dead."

She met his dark eyes uncertain of what to think. "Why would anyone in Coruscant want to kill me?"

Senator Brig helped her stand, retaining a hold on her elbow as a squad of clone troopers stormed into the box. "The Separatists are a ruthless enemy. They will kill anyone who stands in their way."

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