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it's been a few weeks. within those long days, y/n had already memorized every corners, stretch and lanes the town could offer to her. she busied herself everyday sleeping or smoking off in her home. she does a bit of cleaning too and customizes the home to her heart's desire. on top of that, huening kai's daily visit somewhat softened the girl as they enjoyed each other's presence for a bit before the boy has to skedaddle away to help his sister. though, the girl did yearn for their interaction to last longer.

it did not take long for y/n to grow fond of the boy living next door. at this point, the pair were comfortable enough to just barge into each other's house. y/n found him endearing. he was kind and sweet. too much that she hated it— and loved it.


"there, there," y/n cooed, "eat well."

the ragdoll meowed, nuzzling against y/n's hand, its fluffy fur tickling her skin. she cooed softly, offering the little stray creature a bowl of food. it had been a few days since she first discovered the timid cat wandering about outside her home. it pulled her heartstrings and after placing cat food outside her house to lure the cat over, the cat finally found itself on her porch.

huening kai observed as he came closer. the sound of his house's door closing with a soft thud faded. a soft grin stretched on his lips, "looks like you've made a new friend, y/n."

she nodded, her heart warming at the sight of the cat enjoying its meal. "poor thing.. it was drenched and lost the past few days. the rain was heavy too." she frowned, staring at the sky. it wasn't raining but the sky wasn't looking too happy. it grumbled and wisps of grey clouds began swimming around.

the ragdoll cat finished its meal, purring contentedly as it rubbed against y/n's leg in appreciation. she gently scooped it up into her arms, feeling the soft vibrations of its purring against her chest. the cat nestled comfortably, finding solace in the warmth.

kai chuckled, "seems like it's taken a liking to you."

she smiled, cradling the furry friend. "i think so."

"well, see you later. i gotta help lea out. she's gonna be mad again that i'm late to take over."

y/n chuckled, waving a hand at huening kai's retreating figure. she stared down at the cat, smiling as she brought the cat in. she settled herself onto the couch, eyes glued to the running television. a random movie was playing, boring her. she channeled through, finally deciding to watch a variety show to pass time. the cat meowed, jumping off of her to rest on the couch. y/n let it be as she let her hands wander for her box of cigarettes. she lit it up and wasted no time to take a quick whiff of the nicotine.

the cat meowed and y/n batted it a look, laughing. "does it smell bad?"


"i'm sorry. i shouldn't destroy your lungs like what i did to mine. you deserve to live longer than me." the smoker bitterly smiled. taking one last puff, she extinguished the smoke and sighed. she leaned her head back, hands on her forehead whilst she stared at the burnt brown looking ceilings. the tv played aimlessly, the words entering an ear and out of the other.

"i can't believe it, kitty." y/n licked her lips as she spoke to the cat. she knew it won't reply back but the cat was still listening. having a listening buddy was more than enough for her.

"can you believe it? i'm going to die."

a bitter laugh escaped her.

"i'm kinda glad my parents decided to fulfill my wish of dying alone. i mean, i am going to die because of a pathetic reason. i brought this onto myself. i got no one but me to blame." y/n babbled.

"i don't know how long i got but i wish i can make it the best i could before my last breath reaches me." with tears welling her eyes, y/n sniffled. she tried to blink the tears away but to no avail, one decided to roll down her cheek with grace.

a cough erupted from her as she heaved herself up. she stumbled to the kitchen for a glass of water. gulping the liquid down, she stared ahead with glossy eyes. her vision blurred.

"oh my, god, give me one more chance to redeem myself please."


knock! knock! knock!

my knuckles hammered against the door as i patiently waited for y/n to open the door. minutes went by and yet, she didn't open the door. i knocked again.

"yoo-hoo, y/n!"

the tv was running so why wasn't she answering the door?

quietly, i opened her door and slipped in. the house was dark and i fumbled to switch the lights on. once the house lit up, i took cautious steps in and called out for my friend. though she didn't answer me, soft whimpers reached my ears.

i smiled warmly once i noticed the girl dozing off uncomfortably on the couch. i looked around, knowing she had brought in a stray cat but it was nowhere around. my nose twitched as the faint scent of nicotine lingered in the air. i switched the television off and lifted her into my arms. instantly, y/n snuggled closer. 

i hesitantly walked upstairs, trying to find her room. all of the rooms upstairs were closed except for one which was slightly ajar. i discreetly entered. her room was neat with her bed lacking any wrinkles. her thick curtains swayed ever so lightly from the breeze outside. her desk, however was messy with open books and papers. i gently laid her down and pulled the comforters over her. y/n let out a soft noise and turned to face the other way. 

i strode towards the curtains. evening light was streaming through and i didn't want it to disrupt my friend's sleep. my head then turned over to her desk littered with papers.

i took a bold step forward once my eyes caught a document that seemed to belong to a hospital and an open book. medical bills? i wondered but the hospital located here wasn't Asan Hospital. it was a small branch of another hospital which was remote.

curiosity killed the cat as i decided to delve deeper into her privacy.

hesitantly, i started to read the book. it was y/n's bucket list. i know she would kill me once she finds out i read her bucket list and pried her privacy but she had stated a few things she wanted to do. yet, the one that surprised me most was her wish to stop smoking.

she smokes?

i switched my attention from her bucket list to the medical document. i skimmed through the form and reading every word was like a stab in my heart. it pained me and my fingers trembled as the letter dropped back to the table. i didn't want to believe it. it must be fake.. it can't be.. i looked over at the sleeping girl then back at the form.

the letter stated that y/n has lung cancer.

A/N : since i'm introducing a medical condition, i would like to apologize if it triggers anyone

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A/N : since i'm introducing a medical condition, i would like to apologize if it triggers anyone. i've done my fair research and familiarized myself with the symptoms and effects but for the sake of the story and since this is a fictious story, i will not write it like how it happens in real life (the effects will be similar but it won't be too serious) again, i would like to apologize if it's triggering. to those battling with cancer, you can get through this! don't give up in this fight!

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