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In royal court room everyone is their and talking on the some issue.when Taehyung came and pushed clan leader Jin on the floor and saw Wangji and jungying also coming their when Jiang Cheng goes to the clan leader Jin and helping him to stand then Jiang Cheng said,"what are you doing third young master lan why did you pushed him on the floor." Taehyung angrily said,"because he is an criminal who tried to rape this omega." Pointed at jungying whose head is down and crying Clan leader Jiang said,"this omega then you are talking about he is a liar don't believe him."clan leader Jin said,"that's what I'm trying to tell them that this omega is traping me to get his revenge fot what happened yesterday." Wangji and Taehyung looked confused when they heard yesterday than madam Yu said,"don't be confused."then madam Yu tell everything what happened yesterday then Wangji said,"how can you do this much injustice to someone you didn't even ready to listen his side and give biased justice." Jiang Cheng angrily said,"how can you said that my father give biased justice huh." Jiang Cheng goes near to the Wangji and Taehyung. Cheng said,"don't forget whom you are talking." Taehyung said,"we know whom we are talking and he is a clan leader who should listen to everyone And give a justice to the victim not to being biased and being one-sided." Yu said,"then second young master lan do you have any witnesses or evidence to proved that." Taehyung said,"yes we are we saw from our eyes how he forced that omega." Jiang Cheng said,"how should we believe that you are saying truth." Taehyung looked angrily at Jiang Cheng said,"you don't believe us huh and we the members of most powerful clan." Wangji  said,"then what clan leader Jin have to prove that he didn't tried to rape that omega." Clan leader Jin became silent and Taehyung said,"why are you silent clan leader Jin say something." Wangji said,"we are the eye witness of this omega and now we want a fair justice." Nobody didn't said anything and clan leader Jiang said,"clan leader Jin please leave from Jiang clan." Taehyung said,"clan leader Jiang this is the small punishment for him add one more that hit him 100 times with lashes how he give that to that omega." Clan leader Jiang control his anger and give order to his guard when one member of Jin clan said,"you can't do this to our clan leader." Soldier from jin clan takeout their swords and ready to fight then Wangji said,"are you sure you want a war with a lan clan huh do you want that then do you want lan clan to complete destroy your clan and don't forget your whole trading is depends on lan clan now you tell me clan leader Jin you want all this or 100 lashes." Clan leader Jin didn't said anything just kneel down and said,"I'm ready." Then guards started hitting him in front of whole clan people whispering and laughing sound clan leader Jin can heard he felt very humiliated and he looked at both Taehyung,Wangji and jungying said in his mind,"I'll destroy your life." When the 100 lashes are complete clan leader Jin stand up and didn't said anything nor looked at anyone and leave from Jiang clan.jungying goes to two alpha bowed and said,"thank you young masters lans I don't know how will I pay what you both did for me." Taehyung said,"you don't have to thank us we did what is right and give a justice to you."

In garden

Taehyung and Wangji both are sitting in the bench. Wangji is reading book and Taehyung eating peanuts when they saw two omegas comes to them and down his head and nervously.taehyung looked at Jungkook and said,"look Wangji today my pretty himself comes to me." Jungkook looked at Taehyung said,"we came here to thank you both what you did today." Taehyung said,"what we did today that you come to us?" Cluelessly Taehyung asked. Jungkook said,"that omega whom you saved from clan leader Jin is our papa." Weiying said,"and second young master lan I didn't know that you are a future clan leader of lan clan that's why I'm just teasing you and don't take it seriously and please forgive me I'll not do it again." Weiying bowed down to Wangji and he said,"I didn't take it seriously and stopped bowing now." Weiying stopped bowing and Jungkook said,"you guys are the first person's who take stands for us and believed us." He said looking down sadly. Taehyung said,"why pretty didn't your appa takes your stand hmm." Weiying said,"our appa didn't even talk to us and you are talking about stands he remember papa when he needs him otherwise he treats our papa like a slave ." Wangji said,"who is your appa and why he is doing that." Jungkook said,"clan leader of Jiang." Both Wangji and Taehyung looked at them with shocked eyes,"what." Both omegas nodded their head Taehyung said,"then why you both are working and that omega is papa of both of you means clan leader husband he didn't believe his own husband." Weiying said,"third young master lan please leave this things and once again thank you what you both guys did today for us." Wangji said,"please weiying don't say thank you and all I want a favor from you guys." Weiying said,"what favor second young master." Wangji said,"give us a tour of Jiang clan tomorrow." Weiying said,"okay young master lan."

Sorry for grammar mistakes

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