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We were in the living room just chilling and catching up on a few things untill someone decided to ruin it , I was pissed beyond pissed cause every time I have friends over, he would always ruin it  for whatsoever reason right now I'm with the girls in Chloes new room.

"One solution and there could only be one divorce that bitch his not worth it then tell us u divorced him so we can cut his heart out and his brains " said Chloe with an evil smirk on her face .

"Chloe , seriously!! U got to be kidding me out of all things u think about that and again how the hell did we become friends with her?!" said Jade with a sigh.

I only sat there and giggled untill an idea came up in my head to get a little bit of air so we could breath , away from this apartment for a few hours or minutes I mean it's not late yet its 16:00 pm so we could still get out for  fresh air for once .

"Hey , guys wanna go out for coffee or something?" I asked them.

"Yasss, finally I was waiting for u to say something along that line !! "Said Chloe .

" Same!! "said Jade in excitement.

We got our wallets and drove off to a cafe that was 9 minutes  away.

The smell of coffee and muffins hit our nostrils the moment we opened the cafe door .

I chose a table where me and the girls could sit  while the girls order something to drink or eat or both , I told them to get me 2 chocolate chip muffins and a bubble tea boba .

I waited for the girls for at least 5 minutes until they got back with the orders which was very fast.

We were sitting outside the coffee shop cause th smell was too strong and we might buy everything in there so we decided to go outside and chat while chatting we  got distracted by 5 luxurious cars and 1 sports car , 5 Maybaches and 1 Lamborghini Aventador they were all the same color , mate black .  It was so fucking beautiful that I wanted to marry the cars especially the Aventador it was my fav nope , the car brand Lamborghini is my fav like everything from Lamborghini ll marry u don't have to tell me twice .

The cars were nice but I was mainly focused on who the hell was driving the Aventador cause wowww , they making it droppp.

"Okay anyways back to chatting guys is been too long we've been staring I'm sure the poor driver is scared to come out cause we staring too much!" said Chloe with her left brow raised up.

"We know , we know , we are just ... Wowww" said Jade still surprised.

I turned my head forward so that I can pay attention to what the girls were chatting about untill the driver of the Aventador opened the door to come out , if I was right  I'd say the car was parked almost  near us just like 15meters away .

We all turned our direction to the driver of the car , ready to see who it is .

"Girls!! We should stop staring didn't ur mama tell u it's bad to stare but I wanna know and see who the fucking driver is,so they must come out of that car fast cause this ain't the red carpet " said  Chloe with a serious face.

"Gurll!! , for the first time I agree with Koala Boala on this one tho " said Jade with a 'shes right ' face.

I just sighed while shaking my head .

These two are literally my ride or die on serious note.


As we dragged our attention back to our conversation, the driver finally got out of the car and...damn.


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