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                 Your eyelids slowly open

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Your eyelids slowly open. Yawning, you get up from the comfortable couch and wonder if Boombox is already up, since you dont feel like waking up someone who just randomly let you crash at their place. Tiptoing your way to the kitchen you see the man himself, or would you say devil? Anyway you decide to go talk to him, cuz u needa learn how to make yourself the big bucks ya know?

"Goodmorning pookie <3"

"g'morning!" He says back before shoving a sandwhich in his mouth "i didn't kno you were awake so i did'nt make u anything.. sorry..."

"it's alr!! I'm fine with cereal if u got any" You replied. Snatching his sandwhich seemed amazing rn ngl but its time to be a good person!

"yeah I do!" He then grabs a cereal box and hands it to you before saying, "u can find a bowl and spoon somewhere in the cupboards btw" Without responding you look through the cupboards to get a bowl and spoon. You quickly pour yourself a bowl of cereal WITHOUT MILK and your dehydrated ass starts munching away. The box said some random shit like 'gnarpgnarp' but you didn't care because that shit was phucking fire fr.

"erm anyway, ima need like help with that phighting thing yk???" You say while eating your sweet, succulent cereal.

"oh yeah! I almost forgot abt that lol...." He started "Hmm so what weapon or thing would you see yourself phighting with in the first place? then we can go from there"

"hm... I guess I'd be pretty badass fighting with [insert ur stupid weapon]" You answer, imagining yourself looking cool af fighting with that weapon. You would get all the ladies/men/people!

"Great! All we need to do now is get the weapon and then have you train! so u dont like die in two seconds....." He mumbles the last part.. You finish your cereal and place the empty bowl in the sink.

"So r we gonna go shopping?.."

"Yeah! It might be hard to find any weapon since phighters are born with their weapons but im sure we'll find something!" Boombox explains optimistically "Maybe we can get you a phighter outfit if you want to change the clothes you had on"

"yeah id like that" You say, enjoying the thought of wearing something maybe similar to what you would wear in your home, or dimension?? Whatever you call it.

"We'll go today so we have no time to waste! So get dressed yk?"

"Alright!" You quickly speed walk to the couch to get your clothes and head into the bathroom. After putting on your outside clothes you check yourself in the mirror just to make sure you dont look like you just came from the streets. Coming out of the bathroom, you speak "Im ready!"

"great! lets get going then!!"


&quot;ɪ ʟᴜᴠ ᴏʟᴅ ᴍᴇɴ ʏᴀᴏɪ&quot; &quot;ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʜᴀᴛ.&quot; ||Medkit x reader||Where stories live. Discover now