Chapter 2 - The First Contract

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P.O.V. Gemini 

(A/N This entire chapter's plot is taken from Entry Point's Tutorial)

I walked into the bank with my Mask already on and fired my gun, a few screamed and I yelled   "I THINK YOU ALREADY KNOW WHAT THIS RIGHT, Y'KNOW THE DRILL" It was a very small bank and there were only 3 people there not including me, "GET DOWN NOW" I yelled, once they all laid down I shot the wooden door to the back, I walked up to the vault and planted A block C4 On the vault and I ran for cover and then detonated the C4, It opened the vault, I grabbed the drill I left in the main room and drill the cage door to the cash I grabbed my duffle bag and started to load the cash they into my bag, once I had grabbed all of the cash which was like 5k I kicked down the door and then rode my bike back home.

Once I got home I threw the duffle bag into a corner and sat down on the couch I Took my mask off and started panting from exhaustion, and then my phone started to ring I grabbed answered "Hello" I asked "Is this Gemini" The voice on the other end said, I was shocked I didn't know who the fuck this was, but he knew me, "Who is this" I asked "A Criminal Organization that will give you many opportunities for you and you brother, so listen up if you're interested" The voice said "I'm interested" I say "Good" The voice says "W-Who... are you" I ask nervously all I hear is laughter and then he says "Virus, Nice to meet you" "Ummm. Ok, Virus... Sir, what do I need to do?" I ask "I'm glad you asked"

OPERATION: THE FIRST CONTRACT                                                                                                                                  DATE: 20:00 APRIL 15 2021                                                                                                                                                    LOCATION TUCSON POLICE STATION, TUCSON AZ.                                                                                                  OBJECTIVE: SECURE THE FILES ON OPERATION CASH GRAB

  I arrived at The Police Station, where Virus told me to go, I dropped my duffel bag, and as Virus told me what to do, I disabled the camera next to the station backdoor, someone came to investigate it and I knocked them out and took their clothes and wore it, I went inside passing officers and walked upstairs to the evidence room, as I entered the room there was someone in there I took him hostage and interrogated him and then he told me a code I shot him, I searched for the files and when I found them I notified Virus "Hey, Found it, don't look like much though"   I said "Looks can be deceiving, 1last thing across the hall is the server room, I need you to get me in there" He said, I went inside the small server room and opened the Computer and it asked for a code remembering I got a code from that guy in the evidence locker I typed it in "74138" I pressed enter and Virus started getting the data, just then I heard something I looked over and saw an officer looking at the entrance of the evidence locker, I shot shim and answered his radio coming up with an excuse, After I finished the answering Virus gave me the all clear, I ran out of there as fast as I could taking the fire escape and jumping down story to get to my Motorcycle

Virus said to meet him at an Empty Underground Parking Garage in East Tucson, when I went in there I was on high alert thinking that Virus might backstab me. Then I saw a black van I walked up to it and out came Virus, he was wearing a welding mask, a beige long-sleeved shirt with armor, and a hat to cover his hair, "Files" he said "They're Right here" I said "Good" he said "Now here is your payment" He said throwing me a heavy duffel bag, "How much is it?" I asked "30k," He said, "OMG thank you so much, when can I work for your organization?" I asked excitedly "Oh soon enough, But I guess I'll see you next week at work... Pandora," he said as he got in his van and drove off, and I was just sitting there in shock, at what he just said.  

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