Flight To Romania. Part ~ 1

Depuis le début

(Tim's outfit)

"your looking good yourself man" you say giving him a handshake which as you do you look behind him to see Jenna staring at you when she realizes you made eye contact with her and the both looked flustered remembering last night and the towel

you took the sight of her outfit in as she smiled at you

you took the sight of her outfit in as she smiled at you

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(Jenna's outfit) 

"looking good L/n" she says walking past you as the scent of her perfume hit your nose

you shook your head trying to get these thought out of your head, " hey Y/n, did you see you and Jenna are trending on twitter" Percy said you were expecting Jenna to be surprised but she wasn't "yeah it's kinda fun watching all of them trying to figure out and decipher who i hugged in that picture" Jenna said shooting you a chuckle

"I'm pretty sure they figured it out though" hunter laughed

"yeah cause Percy was stirring the pot too much" you said

"hey its not my entirely my fault there was that person who figured it all out" Percy retaliated 

"yeah i know" you sighed

"yeah didn't they say that they met you here in new York and they saw that i called you?" Jenna questioned trying to remember what the person said

"yep i thought she was a fan so i had a little conversation with her, well, turns out her job is that she updates on her socials about celebrities" you answered

"so you already knew about this? Jenna" you asked her

"yeah i saw it yesterday i also posted about it, well my manager got me to post about it" she says truthfully

"why did no one tell me" you said throwing your hands up

"we thought you already knew and that it was the reason you were kinda of avoiding Jenna"

Emma said


as you all turned up at the airport through the back to get to the private flights you had gotten a call from you father, "hey guys what time does the flight start?" you aske as Tim answered " 8:30"

"alright i got to take this" you answered the call and walked into a empty room

"hello, dad what's up?" you say

"Hey Y/n i got some good news and some not so good news" he says over the phone

"what's the not so good news" you say partially worried

"you know how i have to take time of work recently" he says slowly

"yeah? is everything ok?" you say now concerned

"Y/n, I...I have cancer" The news hit you like a freight train, the world around you momentarily blurring into nothing. You could hardly process the words as they echoed in your ears. 

Is This Okay (Jenna Ortega x male reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant