When we got in we immediately went to the bar

"Hi, what can I get for you ladies today? "

"Hi can I get a G&T?" Olivia asked

"Of course, and for ma'am "

"Yes can I get a vodka on the rocks and two tequila shots?" 

"Coming up ladies"

While we waited for our drinks a random man came up to us

"Well, what are you two pretty ladies doing here all alone?" He asked

"Minding our business, and that's also what you should be doing two do you want some tips cause I could give you some right now" I said, with a stank look on my face

"Feisty I like it" he said trying to touch my hair, I immediately twisted my head to the side and gave him the stank eye because I know this bitch didn't just try to touch me with his crusty ass fingers

"Hey, Derek leave these ladies alone I'm pretty sure they are with the boss, and wouldn't want to report you for trying to get something that doesn't want you" the bartender said while giving us our drinks

While the man walked away I could tell that he grumbled something under his breath I couldn't quite understand what he said but I could tell that the bartender heard what he said

"Derek, I have something for you meet me at the back of the club" the bartender said obviously irritated with him now

"Is there gonna be beautiful ladies" he slurred out with a wobbly grin showing his digusting 

"Yes of course, now go on" the bartender shooed the man on

"Thank you, you didn't have to" I ushered at the man

"Of course it's no problem someone needs to punch some since into him" He said while I drowned my drink down, the burning sensation stated for a while but it felt good

"Lets go dance" Liv shouted over the loud music

"Okay" I shouted back and pulled her to the dance floor

A few hours later and me and Liv were still dancing and having fun but I'm not a big drinker so I didn't drink as much as Liv but when I say that she got lit i mean she got LIT

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A few hours later and me and Liv were still dancing and having fun but I'm not a big drinker so I didn't drink as much as Liv but when I say that she got lit i mean she got LIT.

She was dancing on the tables and she almost took off her clothes off, and luckily I was there to stop her she is wild when drunk


"OLIVA STOP TRYING TO FLASH PEOPLE" I yelled over the music trying to stop her but she just kept smiling at me

"What's going on here" a voice that was so familiar said over the loud music

"Santino, what are you doing here" I yelled still trying to stop Liv

"Well I own the club and I just left Lorenzo's house" he said, I gulped at the mention of his name

"Umm speaking of Lorenzo I need to leave" I yelled

"I'll take Olivia to my house so you don't have so much things on your hand" he said

I was tired and Liv was really really drunk this time and I would have to deal with Lorenzo again too its too much and I already know that he gon make it a big deal and I don't got time for it

"Okay but you better not but, and don't let me find out" I said 

He nodded and grabbed her by the wrist and took her out the door, after they left it was my que to finally leave

When I got to the gate of the house and the house the lights were off and usually one of the lights would be on so I knew that something was gon go down

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When I got to the gate of the house and the house the lights were off and usually one of the lights would be on so I knew that something was gon go down

As I walked in the living room light was off, I quitely took off my heels and  my purse as quietly as I could and turned on the lights 

When I looked up I saw him sitting  in the chair with some type of alcohol on his knee

"Tesoro where were you" he said while his eyes darkend and his eyes wondered all over my outfit

(Her dress)

(Her dress)

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I know that I was supposed to post this on Friday but there you go I will be posting on Christmas! So get ready for that

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I know that I was supposed to post this on Friday but there you go I will be posting on Christmas! So get ready for that



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