Chapter 7

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When the bell rang i went to my locker and waited for Bailey, when she got there she looked at me with wide eyes...and I stared back at her "Bailey.. what's up is everything ok?!" She sighed and hit my arm...

"YOU SO OWE ME".. she said while hitting me but I caught her hand before she could hit me again "That bad huh...but at least I got my part done...I hope Chase loves his new hot pink motorcycle" I really cant wait to see his face.....

I asked Bailey for her schedule and took out mine




English lit




(Aurora) mine:







So we have Art and PE together the last two okayyy....

"I'll see you at lunch and the rest of the periods we have together soon you are stuck with me...byee I gotta go to Bio see ya" I said and walked to my class

When I got to my class I went and took a seat at the back of the class...and some of the girls were nice but of course every school can't go without is 'Queen B'....

One girl came to my seat and put her manicured hand on the desk and said" Your in my seat" I looked at her and looked away I really don't have time for this

"Are you deaf didn't your hear what I just said " Does she have to be this loud god damn I looked at her and smiled

"Get the fuck out of my seat" ........"It doesn't have your name on it so move on " I said and she tried to hit me but I caught her hand before it got to my face and threw her arm back

"Get the fuck away from me and next time you think you can talk to me like that know who you are talking to " She looked at me in shock and therw her hair behind her shoulder and got another seat....

Thank you she was annoying

When the teacher was in the middle of class the door swing open and of course he has to be in this class... great

"What an honor it is to have you in my class Mr. Carter please take the seat next to Ms. Williams and Chase don't be late to my class you understand"

"Sorry Ms. C but let's face it I will never be on time " The guy is a fucking jerk and why me...can't he just sit on the floor.

Chase came and sat down next to me and was pretty quiet for some reason but he kept looking forward and clenched his fist...ass

"As you all know we have a project to work on....and the person you will be partner with is the person next to you"

'fucking hell'

I turned to Chase and saw he was already looking at me....I stared back and zapped him...

For the next ten minutes we didn't talk about what our project was gonna be we just sat in silence wile I waited for the bell to ring...

Ring.ring.ring. 'Ringgggg' when the bell rang i basically sprinted out of the classroom..


When I got to my locker I waited for Bailey while she was taking her time I was putting away books I didn't need for the rest of the day.

"Hola Bitch....soooo how was Chemistry!?' "You wouldn't believe me if I told you" "I mean c'mon you have Chase in you class" " How did you know that?" "Everyone is talking about it soo I already know"

Bailey is something different but a good different she doesn't use me for money or talk about her to every guy she thinks is hot. She's better than the friends I had...

"What do you have next ?" "Math you" " English lit" " so we'll see each other outside school for lunch " " what's happen-oh-yeahhh yeah ofcourse see ya" "Can't wait"

I can't wait to see Chase's face....


Blah blah blah blah blah that's all that came out of the teachers mouth I was so fed up with this shit can't something exciting happen....

10 minutes later


What the hell was that!!!
"Run!!!" Who was shouting and why do when have to run my god what is happening

Thats when a girl with blond hair came in looking scared
" Mr.Baits we have a code red you have to evacuated the school Now!!!" When the girl said that Mr. Baits eyes went wide and some students was starting to panic but Mr. Baits got everyone to shut up  and told everyone to run out of the building to the exit....

When everyone was running to the exit I heard screaming from the Chemistry class and ran back to see who was screaming.....

"Hello is someone in there?" I screamed to see if the person  who was in there was going to reply

"Yes oh my god thank you now can you please get me out hurry!?" The person said it was a girl she was trapped and I couldn't see anything because of the smoke I tried to open the door but I burned my hand on the door handle 'fuck'

"Look I can't open the door with my hands so I'm going to break the door down okay so stand back" I told the girl behind the door

'one' 'two' 'three' Bam!!!
I kicked the door open and it fell thank God it opened must have been the old wood but anyway

When the door came down a girl came out she looked like she had been living in a dumpster but she was okay than I asked if she was 'okay' she replied with a nod

We both ran through the exit but just as I was about to leave some of the ceiling came down blocking me from getting out

The girl I saved was outside and I heard her scream  "Are you alright" " yeah I'm fine but go get help please I don't think I can stay here much longer" when I said that she ran


Omggg what do guess think is going to happen 🤔

  Will Aurora make it out or will something happen

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Byee see you in the next chapter 🤍

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