Gas station buddy

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you had just woken up in your bed, thirsty and craving something salty to eat. thankfully, there was a glass of room temperature water next to you on your bedstand. With further inspection, though, it had hairs and dust in it, so you decided to just get up. After changing, getting your hair halfway decent, and putting your shoes on, you grab your keys and head out the door. At this point, the faint creaking and tapping as if someone was there had become routine for you, and you just assumed it was some mice. At least, you hoped it was. You got in your car, started it, and headed towards the gas station. you chose to go to the further one since you were already out. The car ride was nice, calm, and you had your favorite music playing. You were glad your body woke you up now. By the time you got to the store, you were pretty much fully awake. Walking in and greeting the cashier after he does the same, you immediately go towards the cip aisle for those delicious finger licking salt 'n vinegar chips. you decided that two bags would be good, just in case. You saw someone come beside you and start looking at the chips, so you look towards them, not expecting to make eye contact. You didn't want to make things awkward, so you did a little wave and went back to looking for other options. Maybe a teryoke slimjim or something like that.
"Now I get why I'm here so late, but why are you here? are you traveling?"
I turn around to look up at this gray looking..creature? Couldn't tell if she had a disease or not, but he didn't look awful either.
"Oh no, I just had some midnight cravings, yk? needed something salty."
He chuckled a little at this.
"Yeahh I get that. Are those salt 'n vinegar chips? I've loved those for a loonngg time, but everyone I've talked to despises them for some reason."
You make a quick glance at your chips, just to make sure they're really salt 'n vinegar before you start talking again.
"Yeah me too! I had to stop for awhile though because these do a toal on your tounge haha."
He chuckles some more at this.
You both simmer in awkward silence for about 3 seconds before you start up again.
"Well, It was nice talking, but I really want to open these up."
He kind of looks around, seemingly looking for another reason to talk to you.
"Alright. I get that, I'm probably gonna do the same thing."
He already had a bag in his hand, and he checked himself out after me. As I'm heading out the store, he taps me on the shoulder.
"Hey I don't know if this is gonna come out right, but I liked our conversation, and was wondering if you wanted to get my number?"
You get a surge of excitement, not because it was him, but the fact that someone was asking you if you wanted their number. You felt hot, even though you didn't look the part at the time. Plus, he was nice, so you decided that you did want his number.
"Yeah, but I don't have my phone on me right now. Can I add mine onto yours?"
He quickly nods and hands you his phone. You add your phone on there and add a kissy emoji as the name cause you were hilarious.
You hand it back.
"Alright, see ya!"
You give a little wave as you walk to your car, and of course, he waves back.
You can't wait to rip open the bag of chips and see if you actually wanted to keep talking to this guy.

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