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Your home in your bed, phone out, chips open, when the first text message pops up.
"Hey, you awake?"
You didn't want to be too dry, so you responded with something like,
"I would be if I weren't destroying these chips lmao. hbu?"
I'm not gonna write a whole text convo so it went like.
"I love chips."
"Omg me too we have so much in common."
"Omg ik we should totally meet up cause I'm bored asf and your fun to talk to."
"Omg that sounds like a bomb idea let's do that"
And that leads to this text.
"Hey, I keep hearing stuff in my house. You can come out mwahah😈😈🙏🙏"
You said this as a joke because ofc this text was wayyy better than being dry and having him block you, but he took a considerable amount of time to respond.
"Are you sure?"
You stopped. There was no emojis, no way of telling you he was joking. The text sounded dead serious.
You tried texting something and going back, and texting something and going back. What would someone even say to that?
"You better be fucking joking or I'm running out of here right now and making camp in the police station."
You had always fantasized about this, but that's all that was, a fantasy. You had no idea how dangerous he really was or if he had a knife, or his intentions.
He texted back.
"I would never hurt you, I would hurt myself before anything. Can I come out?"
You felt so nervous and scared you almost threw up.
"I have a gun. Come out"
You reached for the pistol underneath your pillow, but it was gone. You started crying.
He came out and stood by the wall, trying to keep you calm by keeping his distance and having his hands up.
You just stared at him, ready to fight, and at the same time looking for an escape. You couldn't say anything, your mind was occupied.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2023 ⏰

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