Chapter 27

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Barry and Caitlin arrive at STAR Labs the next day. Caitlin continues with her research and runs the operation with Harry while Cisco, Ralph and Barry are out in the field. After a couple of hours of crime fighting, Cisco and Ralph go to grab some Big Belly Burger for everyone while Barry finishes up some work at the CCPD.

Henry Allen arrives and smiles at Caitlin warmly. "Dad!" Caitlin says. She jumps up from her chair and rushes over to hug him. He hugs her back tightly. 

"Ready for your check-up?" She nods. "Barry should be here any minute then we can get started." 

Suddenly a portal opens up and Kara and Mon-El jump out. Henry steps in front of Caitlin protectively but Caitlin rushes over to Kara. Kara hugs her, being very careful not to squeeze too hard. She turns to Mon-El next. 

Mon-El looks at her nervously, "I don't know if I should. What if I lose control of my strength somehow?"

"You won't," Kara says, squeezing his hand, "I believe in you."

"And I do too," Barry reassures him as he walks in. Mon-El slowly puts his arms around Caitlin and hugs her softly. They break apart a few minutes later. 

"See, you did it," Caitlin says proudly. 

"I did," Mon-El lets out a breath in relief and smiles widely. 

Then he walks over to hug Barry and squeezes him a little too hard because of how excited he is. "Ow, that's a little hard, Mon," Barry says, messing up Mon-El's hair affectionately after they break apart. 

"That's what she said," Ralph and Cisco say in unison as they walk into the room with bags of Big Belly Burger. 

"Who said?" Mon-El asks confused as Caitlin and Kara burst into giggles and Barry turns a little red. 

"I'll explain later," Kara says to Mon-El. 

He shrugs, "Okay."

"I didn't know you guys were coming for a visit," Cisco says, "But the two of you are always welcome here." 

"Barry invited us for the check-up since we haven't gotten a chance to see the babies yet," Mon-El says.

"Babies?" Everyone except Kara says in unison. 

Kara smacks his arm, "They didn't know that yet!" 

"Oh," Mon-El says sheepishly, "Sorry." 

"Congratulations," The two aliens say in unison and smile widely at a shocked Caitlin and Barry.

"We're having babies?" Caitlin asks and they both nod. She turns to Barry, "How do you feel about that?"

"Are you kidding?" Barry says excitedly, "Not only am I going to be father but I get to be dad twice. This is the best news ever!"

"What if I said you were having quadruplets?" Mon-El smirks and Barry pales. 

"We're having quads?" Caitlin says, almost choking on her own saliva. 

"No," Mon-El and Kara laugh. "But you should have seen the look on your face," Mon-El teases Barry. 

"Not funny," Barry sticks his tongue out at Mon-El.

"Can we see the babies now?" Kara asks excitedly, clapping her hands together. 

"Right this way," Henry says and he leads them all into the next room.

Caitlin lies down on the bed and Barry stands next to her holding her hand. Mon-El and Kara stand next to Barry while Cisco and Ralph stand next to Henry.

He puts the machine on and the picture pops up onto the screen. "Would you like to know their genders?" Henry asks Caitlin and Barry.

"Yes," Caitlin says as Barry says, "No."

Henry looks between the two of them. "We'll give you guys a minute to decide." He ushers everyone out of the room.

"Why don't you want to know?" Caitlin asks curiously. 

"I'm scared, Cait," Barry says nervously, "What if we have a boy and he's only into football and would prefer a dad like Oliver or Dig or even Ralph. Or what if we have a girl and she hates me for being too overprotective? What if I'm not a good dad?"

"Firstly, these children are going to love you. Trust me when I say it's impossible not to love you, I tried for years and it never worked. Secondly, if we have a son, he's not going to care that you don't like football. I mean you're a superhero for god's sake, he'll probably follow you around everywhere. Thirdly, if we have a little girl, we both know she's going to have you wrapped around her little finger and I'm going to be the one always saying no. And lastly, you're going to be an amazing dad. You had two amazing fathers to learn from, so if anything you may be the best dad in the history of dads."

"You really think all that?" Barry asks surprised.

"Yeah I do," Caitlin says before biting her lip, "Besides if anyone should be worried about being a bad parent, it's me." She frowns slightly.

"What are you talking about, Cait?"

"I spent most of my life without a dad. After he passed away, my mother was never there. She became a cold-hearted woman and buried herself in her work, so I didn't have any support or a good role model when I was growing up and it affected me. I became guarded and cold... What if I become like her?"

"Are you kidding? Yes, you were a bit guarded when we first met but you had every reason to be. You have lost so much in your life and you're still standing. That just shows how strong you are. You're always taking care of everyone, especially me and you're so selfless and amazing. You're warm and loving and you're going to be amazing mother. The way you just comforted me proves it," He reassures her.

Barry calls everyone in. "We're ready to know now," He looks at Caitlin. Henry nods and everyone turns their attention to the screen. 

"It's a boy!" Henry shouts and Cisco lets the streamers fly. 

"It's a girl!" Henry shouts and Ralph lets the streamers fly. 

"Congratulations," Henry smiles at both of them proudly.

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