Alpha mates part 2

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1 more part after it...

I know it's one shot 

Hope you like it....

Yes, uncle Jjunie!" She says in the same excitement that she displays over anything — it resembles Kai's personality so much that Beomgyu feels like he's looking at the perfect copy of the man even if she's not exactly his daughter. "I want someone to play with. Papa has been so busy."

"I have a feeling you won't need to wait for long, darling," Yeonjun assures her. "Why don't you go play some more before we get you ready for bed?"

Hyunseo doesn't reply, only moves back to the tea party and rambles non-stop with the foxy plushie that Yeonjun gave her as a birthday gift last year. Beomgyu can't help but melt at the sight and thoughts back on his head, how Yeonjun would be so caring and understanding with a pup of their own, how he would be always smiling this sweet smile that makes his eyes almost close and puts his teeth on display, how happy Yeonjun would look. It's no secret that he loves children, it's only expected that he'd equally love the idea of having one too.

Now that he thinks about it, he has no idea if Yeonjun ever wants to have a pup for himself.

"Now she gon' be asking for siblings to Soobin-hyung," he complains without any actual bite once Yeonjun comes back to his early position, arm around Beomgyu's shoulders and head leaning against his. "And he's gonna blame me."

"Every child asks for siblings when they're five, Beomie," Yeonjun snorts, kissing his temple. The feeling of lips against his skin leaving no room for Beomgyu to think about anything other than the man by his side — the love of his life, the only one he wants, the only one he needs. "And it's about time for Soobin to bring fresh meat for me to smother with love."

"I'm right here?" Beomgyu frowns playfully. "Why don't you smother me with love too?"

"You're not fresh meat anymore," he teases, bopping Beomgyu's nose.

"Ouch, that hurted," he frowns deeper, knowing that Yeonjun is only joking. There's no need to give voice to silly insecurities haunting him, he knows that Yeonjun would never replace him with anyone. He puts his empty plate on the couch and looks back at Yeonjun, a pout on his lips. "You're gonna replace me with another Soobin lookalike like you did when Hyunseo was born."

"Good thing you already know that," Yeonjun laughs, retracting his arm so he can find a better position to lay his head on the crook of Beomgyu's neck, inhaling the toasted coconut scent, strong and with a tinge of bitterness from the insecurities but he hopes that Yeonjun won't be able to pick out.

And that's the moment Beomgyu decides that he cannot keep things all to himself, he knows that his relationship with Yeonjun has only lasted this much because they made a promise to always be honest with each other, to speak their feelings even when it turned out to be impossible. Honesty is the key to all the years together and having Yeonjun in his arms, so he has to speak or else Yeonjun will eventually realize the shift in his demeanor if he hasn't already. Yeonjun will never force him to speak, of course, but he'll feel sad that Beomgyu hasn't felt safe enough to come to him and talk about whatever has been bugging him.

With Yeonjun close to him and tender notes of mocha trying to take away the slight bitterness of his own scent, Beomgyu gathers the strength to finally put his thoughts into words.

"You know, I've been thinking about something," he starts, looking at the TV while Yeonjun scrolls absentmindedly through the Netflix catalog, barely paying attention to the options on the screen.

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