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Tinn wokeup to Gun's metal rock alam sound with a groan, turning it off without throwing his lover's phone outside the window.

" babe? Wake up you have work "

Tinn patted the sleeping kitten that snuggling in his chest warmly. But the kitten didn't even make a move as if he was sleeping unbothered by the loud alam and his lover.

Tinn pulled the comforter down making the latter shiver when the cold air hit his skin. Yet the boy didn't seem to wake up anysoon. So as usual Tinn had to wakeup Gun by force. Tinn knows gun is not a early bird unlike him. He knew that fact even before he date Gun at the third year of their highschool.

Again Tinn shaked the latters body holding on the bare shoulders that is not too muscular nor not too feminine.

" hmm..2 more minutes tinn.. "

Gun hummed making his mouth down curve as if he was keeping something bitter in his mouth.

" No!! You gotta wake up Gun, look you're already late "

Tinn only got silence as a response. And thats the last warning. So Tinn had to pick up his lover and take him to the shower by force again

When Tinn put Gun under the shower the sleepyness in gun flew out in flash. He stomped his legs because he cant kick Tinn right now. Even if he did he know what are the consequences.

" look at my clothes? Atleast you could've take them off Tinn "

Gun pouted and Tinn couldnt help but to kiss the puckering lips. Just as the tinn placing his lips Gun encircled his arms on Tinn's neck wanting to deepen the kiss, just as gun wanted more Tinn made sure to give what his lover needs. Who is he to refuse this baby? When tinn keep kissing gun without giving latter a break Gun started to dig his nails on his Tinn's broad shoulders clinging to them because his legs has given up to the intense kiss he was having.

Tinn parted his lips freeing the shorter , he managed to take off Gun's drenched T-shirt and loose short pants that hugging his waist.

" what's the time?"

Gun asked his lover hoping he would have more time for a mini make out session with his boyfriend.

" 7: 05 "

Tinn stated with a deep voice that echoed through the shower cubicle that made out of thick glass.

" what? I told you to put my alam at 9? Didnt I? "

Gun looked up to see the avoiding eyes.

" what was you planing? Hm?"

Gun couldnt help but to smile at the taller one. Looks like he just wanted to have a bath with his boyfie before going to work.

" hey! You werent that active with me for some time and I missed your that side "

Tinn pouted and Gun got confused.

Active? Huh?


After thinking for some time Gun made his mouth ' o ' shaped as he got the idea what tinn had told him.

Well yes they werent that active as before and Gun cant deny that. They did not had sex for quiet some time and the reason for that? Ofcourse Gun's mind is still bothered by the past actions of Tinn and what he heard from hospital weeks ago. Its not like Gun is suspecting his boyfriend. He knew about Tinn than others. But he couldn't help to think what on the earth tinn had done to make some kind of rumor in hospital. And coming home late? That cant deny either. And Gun can sense Tinn is nervously hiding something from him.

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