internationally wanted

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"I had business with these men." The officer slowly loses his patience. "What kind of business? You were the only one kept unhurt among everyone there. Does that not conclude that Cassano and you are the ones doing business together? You would know where to find him. Tell us, and we can release you in an instant. There is a bounty on his head. Sooner or later, he is going to pay anyway." I lean forward to pierce his eyes with mine. "You dare to insult me like this? Information from me can not be bought cheaply. You missed your chance. You will not hear a thing out of my mouth. I want my lawyer. Now!" His eyes become a little desperate. Did he really think I am that easy? My lawyer arrives 15 minutes later. A familiar uniform and symbol. I see. I'm never not being watched. "Ma'am. Getting you out of here is no problem if you just tell them where the man they are searching for is." I give him a side eye. "I don't have a clue for real. We fought a while ago. I haven't seen him since then." The Black Royal member thinks for a second. "We can eliminate the officers or erase their pc data, but it will take some time to be sure about that. You're likely gonna be jailed until we complete that." I sigh. "That's fine by me. Has Elias said anything else? Does he want payment for this?" The man scratches his head. "Big brother has a message for you: Become stronger and try your best to eliminate him. And when you fail, realize that you were not meant to be free." I almost vomit at this disgusting obsession. It happens just as that. They lock me up in a cell for two days. After that, a policeman arrives to take me away. Finally. Jail clothing does not suit me at all. "So I'm being released now?" A familiar officer appears behind my escort. "I'm sorry for locking you up, Ma'am Helion. I hope you do understand that it was for investigation purposes. And now that we know the truth. The tape makes a lot more sense. Do you wish to file a personal lawsuit alongside what has already been filed by the prosecution?" I look at him with question marks in my eyes. "Felix Cassano has confessed to his crimes. He went to the police station this morning. He has confessed to the murders, human trafficking and to raping you after kidnapping you from the office that night." My eyes widen. Felix is here... damn it. "What will happen to him now?" I put on a poker face. "He was internationally wanted by the FBI and many other organizations. Since his main crime area was in Italy. He will probably serve his sentence there. There is also a high chance for him to receive a death penalty if Italy chooses to sell him to the US or other states that want him." I stop midway. "May I use the restroom real quick?" I take my time going there and coming out.  "I want to see him. The culprit..." I state with a demanding voice. "Since we did you unjustice... it will be possible to arrange a meeting under certain circumstances." I nod and finally get home. I dress up the next morning to meet with Felix. When I sit down, waiting for his arrival behind some sort of glass or plastic, I take in my surroundings. Video monitoring and a guard watching me from behind. I need to be careful. There he finally is. He smiles  when he looks at me. "What is there to smile about? You know, I'm still mad..." He leans forward. "I am merely holding another party, plus you to only see energetic endings you originally understand..." sounds like garbage to others, but this is a code... we've practiced this when I was still living at Tia's. The first letter of each word: "I am happy to see you." I nod. "Morning energy to offer only." Our conversation goes on like this. "I'm having a deja vu now... seeing you locked up like this. You know, quite a few years ago, I had cursed myself out for not getting you out of there. For being too weak." He also seems to remember... the way he died in his previous life. I sigh. "It seems that I am still too weak... at least I have more time now. So please wait for me, Felix. I will get you out of there. And when I do, I will torture the hell out of you for lying to me. Got it?" He chuckles. "Whatever you say, princess. If you actually manage that, let's move in together. Let's buy a big house and live there. Freely, as always." I smile at the thought of it. "Time!" A policemen on Felix's side pulls him up and escorts him away. I leave as well. This idiot... is this a test? Am I finally strong enough to save those who are important to me? God. If you exist... Fuck you! They say that for all good that we receive, there is an equal amount of bad and verse visa. It's on me to judge what's good and what's bad for me, so why tf is it so unbalanced? It's not fair. But I guess it never was. I memorize as much as I can when leaving. I need 4 people. One to do the technical stuff and helps disable the cameras. One to get in "legally" by becoming a cop or preferably already is a cop. One to do the distraction and one who is in charge of the escape route. I give Lisa a call this very evening. "We need a female cop whose height, looks, and voice matches yours." A short pause. "And what are we gonna do with her?" I use our code language. "If she is someone people would miss, then killing her would be too troublesome. We need to lock her up until we have Felix back." I can almost hear Lisa's thoughts on the other end of the line. "Is he your boyfriend or something?" I sigh. "Yes. He is my man. And the vice leader of Hell's Blossom."

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