✩。°All Dogs go to Heaven, but Giant Bunny Animatronics are a different story°。✩

Start bij het begin

" Jesus Micheal, I swear to god— Hiiii~ This is Clara." You really wanted to laugh at the tone change, but you kept it together.

You introduced yourself to her and brought up the Parenting Classes that Sharon had recommended.

" Oohh, You're Sharon's friend! She told me all about you earlier! I usually don't do last-minute call-ins like this, but I'm sure we can squeeze you in tomorrow." She tells you, before giving you a time to show up along with which room the class would take place in.

You weren't expecting to say this ever, but you couldn't wait to show up to class tomorrow.

When the call was over, you finished your fries and your drink before going to Deliahs room to tuck her in, Nick having moved into the living room to keep an eye on the baby.

Once you were done with Deliah, you popped into the living room, seeing that the movie was over and that Springtrap was gone from his spot in front of the tv, and that your Baby had woken up and Nick was playing with it. 

" Hey, I'm gonna go lay down." You tell him, making him look at you over his shoulder. " Alright, I'll bring you the baby later."

" Thanks.." You gave him a small smile before turning to walk to your room, scratching your head.

" Y'know," Nick speaks up, catching your attention and making you turn back to look at him. " It looks just like you when you were a baby." He says, holding the baby up with both hands, watching it giggle and squirm around before he brings it back down. " I feel like if I imagine hard enough, it's still the Eighties."

His statement makes you roll your eyes.

" Goodnight, Dad." You tell him, walking away for good this time, hearing him tell you goodnight as well.

As you got close to your bedroom door, you paused, groaning a little and bringing a hand up to your temple as you grasped the doorknob.

You just got a throbbing headache out of nowhere.

With another groan, You opened the door, deciding to look around in your bags to find some Ibuprofen or—

You stopped in the doorway as you saw the lump of dull yellow-green at your bed, moving around in a way that made your think it— He— was snooping around.

You were about to either scream or yell at him about going through your stuff, but you stopped when he stood up straight and brushed the dust off of a Raggedy Ann doll before carefully putting it down on the bed beside a few other of your plush toys that had fallen into the floor some time in the night.

Had he... Did he make your bed for you..?

You stood in the doorway for a few more minutes, partially in shock as you watched him pick up a few more of your stuffed animals off the floor and pile them up strategically around the pillows; Sorting them into different sections based off Color.

Springtrap paused as he grabbed another plushie off the floor, standing up straight as he held the toy with both hands, tilting his head to the side before turning the plush around in his hands —paws?— and then his ears drooped down a little.

You narrowed your eyes and circled around him, Your footsteps on the hardwood startling him and making his ears shoot up again before he turns around.

Springtrap blinks a few time and sets the plush on the bed, slowly as if something bad would have happened if he moved too quickly.

".. What're you doing in my room?" You ask, your tone coming out a bit angrier than you had wanted.

Springtraps ears drooped down again and he clasped his hands behind his back and took a step away from the bed.

" I.. uh.." He stutters, looking around with his head hung, looking like a dog who had just gotten yelled at.

" I-I made your bed for you." He points to the bed, taking a few more steps away as you came over to stand in front of it.

".... Thanks..?" You were really just unsure of how to react, turning to look at the bed and picking up the Plush that Springtrap had been holding.

You forgot you had the thing; An old Yellow Rabbit plush your Mom had gotten from her job at one of the Fazbear Locations all those years ago. You frowned at it, all stained with some of the thread coming loose, all of the stuffing lumped together underneath the fabric from years of hugging.

You heard the door creak closed and then click softly, making you think that Springtrap had left, but upon turning around You found him standing in front of the door.

Your heart lurched, fearing for the worst as the fear and adrenaline from earlier comes back all at once.

".. What are you doing?!" You ask with Panic in your tone, backing up into the space between the bedside table and the bed.

Your panic made Springtrap panic, and he held his hands up defensively.

" I-I'm not gonna hurt you!" He insists, stepping away from the door to get closer to you, which only makes you press yourself against the wall even more.

" I just want to talk about earlier," He gets closer, his hands slowly coming down from that defensive pose he had.

Jeez, You wouldn't have believed that this was the same Springtrap from Yesterday..

You tensed up again once he was within arms reach of you, feeling his hand grasp your shoulders as but he simply moved you away from the wall and set you down on top of the bed before stepping away, bringing his hands to his chest as he fiddled with his fingers, looking oddly wary and sympathetic for a permanently grinning mascot.

" I'm not like that; I would never do anything like that ever," He starts, looking off to the side. " I don't... act like me when I'm left alone for a while.." His posture loosens up shoulders slumping as he brings a hand up to the side of his head.

" You scared me, I guess.." He mumbles, dragging his hand to rest atop one of his eyes. " I'm not a Violent Person— er, Animatronic— I don't know why I—"

" Okay!" You snap, the word sounding more aggressive than you wanted it to sound. Hell, You managed to make Springtrap jump.

You cleared your throat, standing up from the bed, keeping a hand on the Mattress.

" Okay," You repeat, making your tone softer. " I get it; I startled you, no big deal."

No big deal? No big deal?? God, you should told Nick about what had happened, told him to lock up this.. thing in the Garage for the rest of time!

" Are you not upset? I can.. I can see a Bruise starting to form.." He tells you, reaching a hand out to touch your neck, but pulled his hand away when you flinched back and put your own hands over the spot.

" Sorry.." He whispers, backing away.

"... I think you should go." You tell him, making sure to keep your voice as low as possible as to not startle him again.

He backs away to the door, looking down at the floor like a kicked puppy. Once his back hits against the doorknob, he brings a hand behind him and opens it, slipping away and carefully closing the door behind him.

Once Springtrap closed the door completely, he sighed and pressed his back against it, groaning as he hung his head and covered it with his paws.

" That went Horrible.." He says to himself, moving his hands to turn his head to the side, growling under his breath.

" I would've gotten a better apology out if you would have just been quiet." He snaps at the apparition beside him, who rolls her eyes at him.

" This whole thing would have never happened if you had never—" " shut up." Springtrap grumbles, walking past the floating mist, not noticing that it slipped back through the door of your room to join the others.

A/N: Don't expect much of the Aftons, I don't really plan on giving them any sort of purpose other than just being a fun little Reference, but I am thinking of making them a little bit of a plot device for Reader and Springys relationship :P

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