Grandpa's myth

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"I see it in my dreams, the war is coming. It will still be here before spring arrives. Beware of false light because only when light and shadow align will everyone find peace. Only then. The light from the fireplace flickers on. 'Success,' says my grandfather. I move closer to the fire to warm myself while he talks about the war in his dreams. They're already preparing to take over the land. The enemy with gray hair and deep blue eyes will deceive everyone. He is not the savior people think he is. It's his distant cousin who would rule best if you want the kingdom to stand. Only he and his partner will sit justly on the throne. 'Stop filling the boy's head with this nonsense,' I hear my mother say as she enters the living room. 'Just wait,' says my grandfather, 'wait until spring, then you'll see I'm right.' My mom sighs and shakes her head as she puts on her shoes to head to the store. I don't believe what my grandfather says is true, but they are interesting and imaginative stories. For as long as I can remember, my grandfather has told the most marvelous tales. In one story, he trains dragons, and in another, he uses magical powers to help his village. My dad thinks it's because of his dementia that he invents these stories. My mom believes it's more about the fact that he never led an adventurous life."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2023 ⏰

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