Chapter 11

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A stunned silence filled the hall.

Uncle Dev frowned angrily at both my father and father-in-law.

"What do you mean?" Saif was surprisingly the first one to speak up. 

"What I mean is clear. Ayra was supposed to marry my son Shehri, but your father took advantage of me being abroad, had the merger take place, and made her his daughter-in-law, all just to acquire Rashid's business!" 

"Nonsense Dev! I never agreed to your proposal. I had always planned to have Ayra marry Saif," Dad responded rather calmly. I wondered if he was feeling dizzy.

"The kids liked each other, and you knew that!" Uncle Dev went on to accuse.

My eyes widened. 

Why is he lying right now? Does he want Dad's business that badly? 

"When did that happen?" I was the first one to speak out. I looked at Shehri and wondered why he wasn't denying anything. He and I both knew this was a lie.

"Ayra, don't worry, my darling. I'll fight for you. You don't have to say anything," Uncle Dev said.

Baffled, I looked at Saif. He looked back at me, but his eyes were blank.

Completely blank.

"Saif, Baba, Uncle," I said, panicking. "He's lying! I haven't been in contact with anyone from Pakistan ever since I was in Germany!"

"Ayra-" Uncle Dev started again but was interrupted by my husband.

"Enough!" He belowed.

I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. Which was stupid since I had never cried in front of anyone before, and I didn't have to be afraid of anything right now because I knew Uncle Dev was lying.

As a traitor tear escaped my eyes, I realized I did have something to be afraid of.

I was afraid of Saif believing this poppycock story.

"If Ayra has denied this, then this means your story is baseless," Saif said, stepping towards me. "Come on, let's go."

"Baba," I said, looking at him.

"Go, dear. Saif, take her away. We'll deal with him," Baba said, glaring at his long-time friend.

I tried to resist, wanting to stay with my ill father and kick this heartless family out, but Saif shook his head and pulled me outside. Once we were in the car, I turned to him.

"Don't take me! Baba is sick. How will he deal with Uncle Dev and his nonsense?" I cried out.

"Relax, Ayra, okay? Breathe," he said, but I was not having any of it.

"What if they pester him so much, he gets another stroke?! He's already got stents, and he can't afford more stress. Please, let's just go inside and"

"Ayra!" Saif called my name, grabbing me by the shoulders and making me look at him.

Into his mesmerizing eyes.

"Calm down. Let me say something, okay?" He said, his voice heavy. As I looked at his face, I realized he must be confused and angry right now because of what Uncle Dev had said inside a while ago.

"Nothing is going to happen to Uncle Rashid. Dad's in there. He'll handle the situation. You can't go back there because Uncle Dev is attacking you. Allah knows how much willpower it took for me and Uncle Rashid to just stand there and not break his face. So, I won't take you back. I'll bring you back tomorrow morning, okay? I promise."

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