Chapter 4

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My mind stopped working for a bit.

This wasn't a suprise for me, honestly. I had seen the way she giggled around him and nervously played with her fingers, blushing even.

But what did shock me was that the elders were planning mine and Saif's marriage. That, too, for business purposes. 

I swallowed, trying to keep that wide smile plastered to my face, "Does Saif feel the same way?"

Oh my God, is this why he is meeting me today? To tell me that he likes Sania?

"No, not yet," she said, a dreamy smile on her face still. "But he will. Soon."

I felt like running to the window and screaming into the night.

She looked at me, and I suddenly felt as if the look in her eyes had changed when she said, "Very soon."

I blinked, and it was gone, replaced by her bubbly smile as she lightly grabbed my shoulders, "You're going out with him in a bit, right?"

I was surprised, "How did you know?"

"Forget that," she waved her hand. "I just want to ask you for a small favour. Find out what he likes in a girl, please? And his likes and dislikes as well."

I awkwardly nodded, "O-okay. I'll try to fish it out of him."

I highly doubt he'll be telling me any of that.

I wondered if she knew about Uncle Asim and Dad's plan. But judging by the way she hadn't screamed at me or cried, she didn't know it yet.

Better. I'd just go out with him today and tell him I can't do it. Marry him, that is. If both of us refused, Dad could still go ahead with the merger but wouldn't need us as a couple running it.

Someone knocked on my room door. It was Jamil Chacha*, telling me to come down as Saif had arrived and was waiting out in front.

I went down with Sania, who raced to her car after greeting both Dad and Saif. I watched her speed away through the gates in amusement and slowly made my way to both men who were talking to each other.

Saif opened the door for me to sit, and my heart fluttered a little. He hadn't done that at the airport, but I guess he was doing it because Dad was here. He got in, and we both waved by to my father before he pulled out of the driveway.

It was so awkward inside. A soft music played in the background, but none of us had spoken a word. For some reason, I felt so nervous around him. He smelt amazing. His car smelt amazing.

No kidding, he was a looker. No wonder Sania was in love with him.


"So, how was your day?" He asked, trying to break the awkward silence settled between us.

"Um, it- it was good," I cleared my throat. What even was the matter with me? I was usually a great conversationalist. But in front of him, I was ready to swallow my teeth and tongue.  "What about you?"

"Nice. So, I uh, reckon Uncle Rashid told you about what he and my parents talked about?" He continued, making a turn and stopping at a signal. He turned to look at me for the first time ever since I had sat inside his car. His gaze alone made me feel like a nervous school girl, a feeling I hadn't had since graduation.

I nodded, "He did. And I suppose you want to talk about that?"

He turned to look towards the front. "Yes. That is one of the reasons I asked you to meet me tonight."

One of the reasons? What were the others?

We kept relatively quiet as he drove to the restaurant. It wasn't where we originally planned to mee though. It was a posh restaurant. I looked at him questioningly.

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