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                      Mum was back from the police station. The cops were on the case. They started the investigation. Investor Freeman came to our house to ask us some questions. He started asking us the questions while jotting down somethings. I guessed that it was our response.

1. When was the last time you saw Mr Morgan Phillip?
He left the house on Wednesday the 12th of July and didn't come back
2. Where did he say he was going?
He went to work as usual.
3. Have you tried calling him?
Yes we have. His line has been unreachable.
4. Has something like this ever happened before?
No it hasn't
5. Where does he work?
His office is beside the newly built textile production industry.
6. Did he le.......
"Please sir stop asking irrelevant questions. I'm fed up with all these rubbish" Allison shouted and walked out.
" I'm only trying to help you all" investor Freeman replied
"I'm so sorry sir continue with your investigations my kids are just so frustrated that's the reason why they are acting like that. Please pardon their rudeness" mum said.
"It's ok. They're kids and it's normal for them to get angry. What I need from you all is just your patience".
       He concluded his questioning and jotting and left immediately after. Mum appreciated him and asked that they did their best in finding out what actually happened.
       I managed to go to school the following day. When I got to school, I didn't talk to anyone. I wasn't trying to be rude. I was just not happy. I didn't also talk to Shelley because I was angry with her.
       " Aliya!"
        " Aliya just look at me"
It was Shelley. I knew it was her and I didn't want to talk to her.
"I don't want to talk to u Shelley". I answered her. 
"I'm sorry Shelley. I knew you would be angry with me. It wasn't that I didn't want to talk to you or something like that. I have been looking for my phone. I didn't know where I kept it and it was on silent. I have not still seen it as we speak. I'm sorry".
          This actually made me laugh. How could you be looking for a phone in your house? Then she hugged me.
      I started crying. She looked at me and asked me what the problem was. I told her  that my dad was missing and explained everything to her. She felt so bad and hugged me and we cried together. 
                Ranson and Kevin came from rich homes and called them selves people of high class so they tend to label and stigmatize people who are of low class or people managing their lives. They also don't associate with people of lower classes.  I don't associate with such people. Anyone who avoids and hates people who are not like them I dispise them.       
              Everyone is equal before the law. No one is above any one and as far as we all have the same rights, no one should criticize another person. That's another reason why I hate them.
       Knowing fully well that I come from a rich family, I don't criticize anyone. I associate with everyone, rich and poor. No one will even know that I come from a rich family unless they're told. That's how people should behave.

A Life of AnguishUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum