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Loads of stickers was the first first yuji noticed before he registered the voice the wall was decorated with them,so much so that the wall itself was barely visible,he said something but he chose to ignore it,it ain't important

As soon as his eyes opened he was welcomed by light that was bright at the same time wasn't,in short very odious to eyes.The room was lit dimly and fuck how much he wished for glasses that he definitely didn't have the countless hours on his phone is swiftly catching up to him,he was smart enough to know that this is a kidnapping and god maybe he should've gone to the ophthalmologist when the appointment was made by-......

..The room had a yellow hue to it,and stickers,there were lamp,and oh! He was also tied a chair....he think and did he mentioned stickers?,now that he tries to focus on it they had these weird...drawing on them...almost looked like those weird tailsman that his previous neighbours who had a weird fascination with specters,ghost and spirit,he is 100 percent sure she was in a cult or something though that's not the main topic here the main topic here is that he's fucking kidnapped!?!

Why the FUCK is he kidnapped of all things!???? He's broke ass fuck they ain't gonna get anything from him,huhh?? Well maybe he'll get a place to live? He was going to be kicked out yesterday,and damnnnn did they kidnap him while he was sleeping, good for them, wouldn't have been very hard to be honest,not like the apartment-no,not like the whole building had much security

And he suddenly heard a chuckle and what the fuck!? Where did this guy came from!??!

"You make pretty funny faces when in distress you know,I can practically hear you thinking" and there came a wooden chair Infront of him where a tall tall as person with snowy white hair,now that he remembers wasn't it going to snow soon?- he was wearing some kinda purple jursey and that same coloured pants with some boots kinda shoes,oh! And also the most important thing! He's wearing a freaking blindfold ,in this room where he's having problem read with his eyes which feels more like show case at this point than actually working

Way to flex asshole

He sat on the chair

"Who are you?" I ask because I didn't feel like the man was going to say anything other than what he did that was chuckle and I didn't even heard what he said first though he did say something.......who knows,the guys weird,he has this goofy smile in his face like he's observing me which is un-com-for-table for your information

I belive no one likes to be 'observed'

(I do.if it's gojo,be grateful yuji!)

"Oh me?" The Slenderman look alike pointed towards himself emphasising the 'me'

There's litrelly no other person in this room,who does this idiot think am talking to?, So I didn't hold back,not like they gonna suddenly play nice of I play nice will they? They probabaly need something from me anyways "who else Sherlock,you see anyone else here?" I raised a eye brow at him,and as I said that I saw him smile in a confused manner at me which to be honest I didn't knew what meant

Before the guy could answer however "scratch that,why am I here?" I have no business for who he is,I need to know where I am and why I am here,the place looks better than his to be honest

The room was an average size not very big but definitely much bigger than that crappy one bedroom apartment of his,and seriously how did this room happen to look much organiser than his where aren't even much things but this room is littered with.....these.....tailsman of sort,so many of them,and weird things hanging,he might start to think he's kidnapped to join a cult or something-wait........

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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