I groaned, digging my face into the mattress. I'm barely out of childhood myself - getting married is for adults. For people who actually have their lives under control. My life is laughably not.
Lloyd chuckled, scooping a hand under my face to bring me around to face him. His smile was so boyish and charming that I almost found myself blurting yes in a delayed response.
"Isn't the promise ring enough for now?" I asked quietly. His red eyes squinted before he shook his head in disagreement.
"I want us to be official," Lloyd murmured, reasoning. "Absolutely, one-hundred percent official. I want you to move in with me."
"You're so in love with the idea of love that you're acting impulsively," I smiled, hooking a leg around his under the duvet. "It's sweet. But I'm not marrying you, yet."
"I'll just keep asking, then," to which I grumbled.
And he wasn't kidding.
"Morning, sunshine," was Lloyd's first words when I woke up, blissful and tranquil. I'd started sleeping better with him beside me. "Marry me?" was Lloyd's second words, and my eyes snapped open to glare.

"I'm not marrying you," I croaked, morning voice yet to let me speak normally. "I haven't even known you a year, yet."
My warning, narrowed gaze was my only answer. Lloyd grinned, enjoying the game that admittedly made me incredibly flustered.
"I think Y/n Garmadon sounds good," he pondered aloud as we walked down the hallway to get breakfast. "It has a nice ring to it."
"You know what else has a nice ring to it?" I asked in a chirp as we entered the kitchen. Lloyd hummed, sidling beside me coyly. "The sound of a pan hitting your head."
His smile dropped.
"Now you're just being rude," Lloyd muttered. "I was going to cook you a nice breakfast but now you can just have cereal or something boring."
I snorted a laugh.
"You'd only cook me a nice breakfast to guilt me into saying yes," I snickered. His jaw dropped, insulted.
"I would not!" he defended. "And it wouldn't be guilting, either! It's just... showing you what you'd be missing out on."
"A no now doesn't mean a no later on, dorkasaurus," I reminded with a grin as he trapped me against the bench with his arms. "But I appreciate you asking me like, five times or something. Now stop before it gets annoying and I do say no later on out of spite."

"Ha-ha," Lloyd said dryly. "Alright, what do you want for breakfast?"
"You still open for cooking?"
"Uuggghhhhh." Lloyd dropped his head back with a groan. "Fine."
"Yay! I'll help."
The rest of the team and a few monks filtered into the kitchen at the smell of bacon and eggs and mushrooms and a million other things. The amount we made was a mountain. Damn there's a lot of people who eat in this house. Monastery. Whatever.
"Hey, kitten," Lloyd spoke up in front of his team as we sat at the dining table, eating. I tensed my jaw, already knowing where he was headed. "Marry me."
"Wh-ha- what?" Jay coughed on his food.
"Lloyd!" Nya gasped.
"You're asking it wrong!" Kai slammed his hands on the table and imprints of scorching palms burnt into the wood. "Where's the rose petals? The soft music? The heartfelt confession?"
Lloyd ignored him. He leant in close to me, so much that I had to start leaning away with a disgruntled frown.
"Marry me."
"He's not asking her to marry him!" Cole snapped at Kai. "They're too young. Stop giving him ideas, firecracker!"
"Marrrrry meeeee."

"Does he have an off switch?" I asked Zane desperately.
"If he had one, I would have used it already," the nindroid said blandly.
"Okay, alright," Nya spoke up over the chaos. "Y/n."
I blinked, glancing at the water ninja. Lloyd whined when my attention switched people, dropping his head on my shoulder like a pouting puppy.
"I can go dress shopping with you," Nya offered. "And Kai's weirdly good at picking out the perfect shapes. How about we ring Naomi and see when she's free? Skylor and Pixal, too?"
"Really?" I straightened, smile growing excitedly. "Yes! Yes, thank you! That sounds amazing!"
"P- Pixal?" Zane stammered, voice glitching.
"Wait, why does Kai get to go?" Lloyd whined. "I want to go!"
"Kai gets to go because he has taste," Nya replied, raising a brow.
"I have taste!"
"You have seven of the exact same hoody."
"It's called being iconic!" Lloyd argued. "And I- I know... dress shapes."
Kai's gaze narrowed.
"What's a mermaid shape look like?" he quizzed.
"I- it... it has a, uh, a tail?" Lloyd replied awkwardly. He tried so hard. I hid a snort with the back of my hand.
"And that's why you're not going," Jay said.
"B- but we have to match!" Lloyd tried.
"Leave it to me," Kai insisted. "I'll have you two looking amazing together. On your wedding day, too."

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