Chapter 2 | A Unique Type of Beautiful

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This was just like lunch at school.

Counselor Shelby had brought the little girl to the Mess Hall. She didn't know what it was- but she quickly found out it was just a lunch room.

While the woman was very nice- she had left Samantha to her own devices.

... Which she didn't appreciate.

Children were bundled together- some places in the tables were left empty between friend groups. Samantha didn't know where to go but was terrified of sitting alone. What if she got made fun of?

The room was large, with loud voices bouncing off the walls. It was overwhelming.

She hated it.

Taking in a deep breath- she recalled what her mother told her. To make friends. That's the whole point of this camp.

It's time to riddle up whatever confidence a five-year-old could have.

Samantha approached a smaller, less intimidating group of girls.  Standing at the head of the table- they turned their attention to the short ginger. She was suddenly very conscious of her freckled cheeks.

"Ca-Ca-Can I sit he-e-ere?" Regardless of her efforts- her speech impediment could never be deterred.

Samantha's eyelids twitched and fluttered- fists clenching and unclenching.

A brunette girl stared before giggling, "Why do you talk so funny?"

The question was relatively innocent, seeming to have no undertone, but the bluntness of children was the bane of Samantha's existence.

One of the girls, a brunette with longer hair, huffed. "She sounds weird." The girl commented.

A blonde with her hair tied in a pink hair tie patted the table, getting everyone's attention with ease. "No, you can't sit with us." The girl told Samantha, "Sorry."

Apology or not- their refusal was a knife to the gut.

Samantha's eyes clouded over. Her lips pursed as she hurriedly left the table of giggling girls- wiping away tears with the back of her hand.

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