If I want to wear a dress I can it don't make me less of a man(trans wyatt)

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I feel like people are gonna hate me for making Wyatt trans 😅 so if y'all dont like the idea FUCK OFF 🖕😁🖕  also im prob gonna make a ton of lgbt Wyatt or Zoey  Enjoyyy p.s don't get mad at me for making Wyatt a trans girl 😊 


It was a fucking boring Monday morning wyatt was in class half asleep when the teacher called on him realizing he was wearing a skirt heels a crop top and makeup on. it was his brothers girlfriends old clothes just last week they were helping Harper clean out the Dunns garage when they say some of Harper's old clothes her mom said she could give them away when Wyatt asked if he could have them Harper stopped then smiled and gave it to him Griffin was confused on why his brother would want skirts heels dresses crop tops and wigs and makeup before Harper gave Wyatt the makeup she confirmed she didn't use it.

"Wyatt Campbell." The teacher said as wyatts heart started  pounding he didn't want to answer anything he didn't study! "Stay after class" Wyatt just groaned a hour passed before the class ended. He stayed in his seat as everyone including his sister left.

"What did I do wrong mrs banks?" Wyatt asked as he walked to his teachers desk

"What is that your wearing" Mrs banks said firmly

"Well its clothes what else" Wyatt said shrugging mrs banks just glared

"I meant that your wearing a skirt. why? Did  ur parents not have enough money to buy you actual clothes for boys?" Mrs banks asked

"Mrs banks. My family has a bunch of money and I just wanted to wear it my brothers girlfriend had old clothes so I asked for them and she gave them to me" Wyatt explained worried about where this was going

"Does your parents know?" Mrs banks said grabbing her phone

"yes they do why?" Wyatt asked confused

"And how do they feel about it?" Mrs banks said dialing Wyatt's mom

"They don't care" Wyatt said realizing what was gonna happen

Mrs banks sighed as she called Wyatt's mom after a while a knock was heard it was all the Campbell's

"What's going on?" Ben asked walking in

"Take a look at your son! He's male he should dress and act like it! I'm sure his sister would like her brother to be more masculine!" Mrs banks said as zoey glared at her

"So? He has a Barbie set too and no one cares!" Griffin said as he put his phone in his pocket

"He's 15 he shouldnt be playing dress up!" Mrs banks shouted Ben just sighed

"Your right Mrs banks. Tomorrow he won't be wearing that filth" Ben said sternly his wife just looked at him is digust

"He can wear what he wants ben!" Sarah said 

"He's male and he should act like it!" Ben said slapping his wife Wyatt just froze tears falling down his face ruining his make up Zoey just ran to hug him Griffin froze as well seeing his mom in pain Mrs banks just smiled

"Thank you" Mrs banks said as the Campbell's walked to the car Wyatt just stayed silent the whole ride home and when he got home he ran up to his room in tears changing into his masculine clothes when he heard Zoey yell and a thud. He ran downstairs to see his mom on the floor his sister in tears his brother beaten up and his dad glaring at Zoey

"YOU BASTARD! DONT YOU SEE MOMS IN PAIN YOUR STEPPING ON HER CAUSING HER TO THROW UP BLOOD!" Zoey yelled in tears when she realized her twin brother froze on the stairs 

"Wyatt.." Zoey said before she could continue her father slapped her and walked up to Wyatt's room zoey and Wyatt ran behind him as he grabbed Wyatt's Barbie set and ripped it and threw it away Wyatt was bawling his eyes out as his mother laid unconscious his brother unable to move and his father who was in his room. 

After a week the school was holding a costume party for the kids Zoey went as a king Wyatt as a princess and Griffin was a Knight as his girlfriend was a princess and harpers brother was a princess aswell the kids went as royalty not caring if their costumes werent matched to their gender.

When Mrs banks saw Wyatt zoey and topher she immediately called Mrs dunn and Mrs Campbell the kids sat in the classroom as their parents walked in  Mr Campbell was mad

"It happened again!" Mrs banks said as Ben glared at Wyatt 

"So? Let them wear what they want" sarah said as Mrs banks got angry

"if we want to wear a dress we can! It don't make us  less of a man!" Wyatt and topher said smiling

Mrs banks just sat in shock

After a month Wyatt was in class but this time he had a dress high heels nails done a wig on earrings and makeup on he- no she slayed she told her friends and her teachers her new name was winter the only ones who didn't support her were her dad and Mrs banks that day her parents got a divorce leaving the kids with Sarah and Ben with only 1,000$ 

Everyone loves winter she's beautiful and doesn't care What anyone thinks what matters is what was inside...

"So that's why aunt winter has a masculine body?" Nick asked

"Suppose so" Harper said as Griffin chuckled

"But some women have masculine bodys but aren't  trans"

"Woah..  Can you tell me how come aunt Zoey is lesbian?" Nick asked

"Now that's a even longer story" Griffin said as wya- sorry winter walked in

"What's going on?" Winter asked

"We're telling nick about the dunnbells storys" griffin said smiling

"Ah yes aren't us dunnbells studied across the world?" Winter said smiling

"Really?!" The 11 year old asked

"Yep and soon you'll Be in it too" winter said kneeling down to nick as nick was sitting.

"I will?" Nick asked

"Of course your a dunnbell too!" Winter said as Zoey and Stacy walked in 

"Hey!" Zoey said as nick got up and ran to hug her

"Hey aunt zoey aunt stacy! Can you tell me the story of how come your lesbian?" Nick asked

"So basically me and stacys love story?" Zoey said chuckling

"Yeah!" Nick said as he smiled

"Sure why not" Stacy said smiling

"It was a boring old Monday..."


SO how did you guys like that? 

I personally see Wyatt as a genderfluid one but I figured might as well make him trans 😅

Anyways hopefully I can make all of the dunnbell books into 1 oneshot also yes I'm making a dunnbell book series 😎 hope you guys enjoyed!

Word count: 1101

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