I need help-😅

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So I have put the soss characters through a bunch- and I had a dream about this so help me I am going insane I have been on wattpad too much (too much..)


Fey was in her room on her computer writing one shots (those are coming soon) her long ginger hair in a braid and she was slowly falling asleep.. She fell asleep on her keyboard but when she "woke up" he saw Harper looking concerned Griffin just tapping her Zoey looking confused Wyatt also looking confused Ben just ignoring everyone Sarah looking weirded out and Jess just walking in with coffee and topher 

"ahh!" Fey screamed Griffin screamed back and it went back and forth

"Why are you guys here?!" Fey yelled 

"Well we don't know but uh fuck you" Harper said Irritated

"Wait why are you guys mad?" Fey asked standing up from her cinnamon roll chair

"You kidding?! You made me a yandere" Griffin said standing next to Harper

"And me a bully" 

"You didn't make me a bastard yet but still" Ben said Pointing to my computer

"well you made us sweet so!" Sarah said standing next to Jess

"You made me like topher!" Zoey yelled red As fire

"But in my next oneshot you guys are happy! For the most part-" Fey said

"well we don't know how to get home can we stay in your home?" Griffin asked

"Well no I have 6 siblings and plus parents!" Fey said lowering her voice

"sissy!" A little girl said running in she had blond hair blue eyes and  she wore a cute hello kitty dress "mommy and daddy left" 

"okay Lila go play your tablet" fey said as Lila ran to play

"Ok you can Stay but only till my parents come home" Fey said

"Now out I gotta change" fey said shooing the soss characters 

"Your the kids from sissys show!" Lila said

"Oh yes we are" Griffin said smiling

"You don't look like fey you have dark skin and blond hair" Wyatt pointed out

"Well I'm adooped!" Lila said 

"You mean adopted?" Wyatt said

"Yeah we all are" lila said as faith walked over

"Lila go eat Jaiden made breakfast" faith said as lila walked away faith would have long black hair and Carmel skin 

"Why are you here in our world I guess.." Faith asked

"Well we came to- actually we just came here" Wyatt said

"Whatever" faith said as fey walked out

"Ok guys come meet my siblings" fey said when Harper stopped her

"Your siblings are all adopted?" Harper asked

"Oh yeah our parents couldn't have kids so they took care of foster kids but sooner or later they grew attached to us and adopted us" fey said 

"Oh I see.." Harper said 

"Anyways! Meet my siblings" fey said walking to the kitchen/dining room 

"Jaidens the oldest being 25 he stayed here in the house because he didn't wanna leave so he rents out the garage. Jordan is his twin she's currently at her house right now though. Crystal is the third eldest being 18 she is very dark and dirty. Then there's me the middle child and then there's faith. She's the third youngest being 13 she's a trouble maker. Then there's Lila the sweet heart she's 8. Then there's ace he's 2 years old and asleep I think" fey explained 

"Big family" Ben said finally talking

"Yep and its very-" fey was cutted off by getting hit in the face with a pillow

"FAITH I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD I WILL-" fey stopped and resumed what she was saying before "chaotic" she said with a fake smile as faith kept smacking her in the face with pillows

"Faith stop please" jaiden said as he set the table

"Oh fey I didn't realize you had friends over good thing I always make extra" jaiden said smiling

"Oh right sorry for not telling you" fey said 

"Its alright feefee" jadien said making fey red

"I told you not to call me that.." Fey said embarrassed 

"So?" Jaiden said chuckling

"Oh my lord! Feefee? Oh I'm going on your watt pad acc and telling that Maddie girl who always comments on your oneshots!"  Wyatt said laughing and running upstairs

"Yeah whatever" fey said her vision fading black 

"Feefee feefee!" Someone kept saying 

She opened her eyes 

"Feefee! Come on mom made breakfast" crystal said

Fey got up from her cinnamon roll chair

"Ill be right there" fey said as crystal walked out of feys room fey looked around her room she saw Harper she rubbed her eyes Harper disappeared "damn it am I going insane?" Fey said after a while she finished breakfast and went to her room and went to  Disney+'s site and put on goosebumps

"Huh this looks fun to watch" fey said as she started to watch it... "Woah.." 


Hey guys! So this is what happened a few days ago I fell asleep at my desk and had a dream that the main soss characters were there and oh my lord- I swear it was just- I'm going insane slowly- I'm even seeing them when I'm awake- please help me also- should I make a soss goosebumps au?

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