Chapter 17. Past

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Jisung is pressed into the bathroom wall in a flash, lips chasing sloppy kisses that Minho presses into him with haste. They were still at the nightclub, drunk and hungry, lustfully kissing one another with quiet groans passed between each hitched breath. Jisung's hands needily tug at Minho's jeans, hands finding his zipper as he pulls it down, smiling against Minho's lips when he hears the elder groan.

Jisung knew he'd be embarrassed tomorrow, thinking about having drunk sex with his boyfriend in a nightclub bathroom of all places, but he really couldn't be fucked to care right now. He was completely drunk and teetering on the edge of incoherence, but he's never been more clear-minded in what he wants.

"Jisung–" Minho breaks between kisses, his own hands struggling to stay complacent on Jisung's waist. "I don't have anything with me."

"I don't care," Jisung whines. "Just want you."

"I know, jagi, I know." Minho hums, kissing him again. "Someone could walk in on us, though."

"Minho–" Jisung tilts his head, trying to jut out his bottom lip in a pout, but he laughs at himself, almost unable to keep his composure at himself.

"You're really drunk, Ji." Minho watches the younger continue to giggle, and he can't help but laugh at him softly. "I think we should go home."

"But I wanna hang out with my friends." Jisung whines again, head tilting back to lean against the tiled wall.

"I know you do. But we're both drunk and it's getting late. I'm sure Felix and Hyunjin are drunk off their ass too."

"Are you gonna take me home to celebrate now?" Jisung asks, biting his bottom lip.

"Mhm." Minho kisses him again, slowly leaning away to retract his hands from Jisung's waist to fix his jeans before looking at his drunk boyfriend, feeling slightly dizzy.

"Come on," Minho grabs Jisung's hand, trying to coax him out of the shitty bathroom. "Let's go say bye to everyone."

Jisung obediently follows, giggling as they walk out of the bathroom hand in hand. Minho weaves through the dense crowd, making his way back towards the velvet rope where they are let in without issue. Minho tugs Jisung up the stairs carefully, listening to him mumble and giggle about something Felix had said earlier in the night, unable to control his drunken laughter as they reach the landing.

"There you are," Hyunjin says happily as he watches Minho and Jisung walk into the suite, a dopey, drunken grin plastered on his lips.

"Where's everyone at?" Minho looks around, only spotting Felix and Jeongin in the room, sitting next to one another on the red couch in the corner of the suite.

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