Chapter 17: Assemble

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The entire team is now awake and seems to trust us enough for us to take off the restraints. I think the they could sense our distress. They can tell that the world, all worlds are in danger.

Barry and I begin to brief them on the threat. We are both a bit awkward as people, but we try to contain it. We hide behind our abilities and use them to sound like true leaders, "Heroes. Everyone in this room is a Hero," Barry starts.

"We don't all know each other," I contribute. "But we all have a role to play in saving each of our worlds. Yes, worlds. I didn't think the multiverse was real either, but I know now that it is and it is in danger."

"An unknown threat is trying to use the link between our worlds to try to destroy them all," Barry explains solemnly.

A choir of voices breaks out with questions. Barry gestures for them to be quiet. "We will answer all of your questions, as best we can, but unfortunately we don't have much time or many answers. All we know is that the veil is being corrupted. It could be a villain from any of our worlds, so we all need to pool our knowledge and skills to fight this."

Barry seems so strong, but I'm barely managing to keep my legs from shaking. It is even harder to do with super speed. They can move so fast and have even more of a desire to do so. My speed also makes it much more obvious if my legs are shaking faster than normal. I feel the lightning rushing through them and take a deep breath to relax as Barry continues briefing the diverse room of heroes. He finishes with, "Together, we must assemble, to save the world, all of our worlds." I smile, both from knowing how much he practiced this line as we ran from world to world and because I know how much Grace would have loved to hear the word 'assemble' with all of these heroes. I miss her and hope she is okay.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2020 ⏰

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