001 | columbus

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DANICA REID WAS sitting in a random italian restaurant in the streets of columbus, across from her boyfriend, cory maverick, who was busy rambling on about his hockey struggles. if he wasn't talking about hockey, it would be about his social media presence, friends, or food. come to think of it, he rarely asked her about what she was up to or how she was feeling, unless he wanted something. it was mostly asking for free tickets to festivals or for her to come to his games because she "made him play better." danica was honestly bored of his antics- he would talk the entire time they were out, never letting her get one word in. he was only really interested when she'd mention famous creators or brands she was collabing with, but even then, he seemed more jealous than happy for her. whatever- it was one of the many things she brushed off, like the strange feeling she got every time she mentioned her best friend, jenna gray, in front of him. it was like, all of a sudden, every word she spoke was the most interesting thing she'd ever said.

danica had a gut feeling something was off, every girl did at some point in their life, but she always found herself coming back to cory even through all the messed up shit he would do. they had gone through some breaks in their relationship, but cory always seemed to sweet talk her back into their relationship, promising it was a mistake, or even saying the media was "just spreading rumours like they always do"

they had been together for over two years now, and although it was everything she could've hoped for at the start- recently it's been something she's put on the back burner. after all, she had been touring and focusing on her career more often than normal, which seemed to piss cory off.

"earth to dani?" cory's voice finally snapped the girl out of her thoughts, as he was waving his hand in front of her face. "i feel like you're never mentally here anymore, it's like i'm talking to a wall or something."

"what? oh sorry, was just thinking about what i still need to pack that's all." the girl quickly spoke. technically, she wasn't lying, because she did need to pack some last minute things before her flight to amsterdam, where she'd be performing the next night.

"plus, jenna isn't coming with me- said she had to stay back for work, so i won't have someone to borrow from if i forget things, because i clearly cannot borrow from you." the girl chuckled, trying to lighten the mood with a joke.

jenna gray was danica's best friend. they met through dance, grew up together in the same studio, and were inseparable. now, jenna was a wildly successful model and influencer. she had lead the runway line for major fashion brands, like gucci or versace. she was gorgeous, and incredibly funny. normally, jenna travelled with danica to her shows, but she had missed the last few which she profusely apologized for, saying she was busy with castings and the buzz around paris fashion week. danica felt a distant growing between them, but was not going to be the one to hold back her bestfriend from advancing in her career. if there is one thing about danica reid to admire, it's her suffocating support for her friends. never in her life would she be the reason to hold someone back from achieving success. even if they were holding her back.

"yeah about that D, i thought i told you, but i can't come to your show. it's just, coach dropped a bunch of mandatory practices on us to get us ready for the playoffs, so i'm basically grounded here."

danica furrowed her eyebrows, bothered by the lateness of his important announcement. "what do you mean? you told me you had the weekend off! cory you can't just drop this on me two hours before i'm supposed to leave."

"i know, i'm sorry okay? but i literally can't do anything about it." cory protested back.

even if he was telling the truth, danica knew something was up. normally she'd push it aside, but this time was different- danica was fed up. maybe it was something in that italian food that gave her the confidence to confront him. "i-does this have anything to do with jenna?"

"are you kidding me?" cory had an annoyed expression on and started complaining about the accusation, his arms waving in the air. danica noticed his shoulders raised, filled with tension. she had hit a nerve. perks of knowing someone for so long- you discover their tells. maybe danica's suspicions were more than theories. was she on to something? but they didn't even know each other, and they wouldn't do that danica convinced herself.

"grow up dani, not everything is about you."

oh, the irony this man has.

"i'm so done with this." danica stood from her seat and was about to walk away, when she was grabbed harshly by the wrist.

"dani come on, you know i didn't mean it." cory raised his voice. he was making this big scene, and people were starting to turn around, but danica didn't care. she just wanted to leave.

some people would call her out, saying she's running from her problems. and to those people?

well.. it's true, so good for them.

but what's the best way to run from something you don't want to face? easy. jump on a plane and fly 4024 miles away from everything. maybe it'll settle down. 


i'm too lazy to read this over so apologies if there's mistakes i'll look over it eventually lmao

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