The priest made a short speech before placing a gold crown on her head and stepping aside. The High Septon used blessed oil to anoint her and said a small prayer before stepping aside. The Valyrian priest turned to the people and raised his hands.

"All Hail, Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen first of her name, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm."

Everyone hailed her and Rhaenyra nodded at the priest who nodded at one of the guards. The guard approached the man and handed him a crown made of Valyrian steel with dragons engraved all around it. The priest approached Daemon who frowned at the man before looking at her. Rhaenyra smiled at her husband and nodded her head, making his eyes widen. The priest gestured for Daemon to kneel, which her husband did, before placing the crown on his head. He said the same prayer as before and stepped aside. The High Septon anointed Daemon and stepped aside.

The priest gestured for Daemon to stand up before turning towards the people and raising his hands once more.

"All Hail, King Daemon Targaryen first of his name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm."

The people seemed shocked but they hailed him all the same. Then Rhaenyra gestured as lord after lord kneeled in front of the throne and swore alliance to the new queen and king. Once it was over she stood up and Daemon took her hand. He had not said a word the entire time and appeared a bit overwhelmed. She squeezed his hand and waited until he looked at her.

"We are partners." He had been passed over so many times and she would not do the same. "We will do this together, always."

He just stared at her for a moment before fusing their mouths. It was like he was attempting to transmit everything he felt through the kiss. Rhaenyra did not want a marriage where she would wield her power over him as her father had done. Daemon had more than proved his love and loyalty to her and she would do the same for him.

                                                                 Rhaenyra Targaryen (19 years old

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                                                                 Rhaenyra Targaryen (19 years old.)

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