Part 1 - 2003 SE7EN

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1- She knew him from the start:
(Posted video from YG channel on 2009)

INTER:Do you know any other these artists?
DARA:Of course and I know them, I liked se7en subeanim since his first song.

2- He also new her from the start (2009)

7:I saw you know that she knew me since little but I knew her too
7:well there were some rumors back then for her
INTER:what kind of rumors
7:it was the time where all the new trainees had entered, it was their first week I was really fast but everyone already was talking about an ACE I knew it was her.

3- How he knew that she was the ACE (2009)

7:it wasn't hard the moment I saw her dancing I realized right 'Ah she is the ACE everyone is talking about' I get it!

4- He might or might not have hated her at first

SEUNGRI:He hated her back then
7:I didn't hate her
DARA:You did I dint knew about that.
7:no, I didnt
SEUNGRI:yes you did that the rumor in the company
7:noooo, I didn't!
DARA:oppa you hated me? Why?
7:it's not that I hated you, I didn't her her. It was again back then, when everyone was calling her an ACE, monster trainee and secret weapon of YG. That's my title!
DARA:ohhh that's why, I get it.
7:see? You get it?
SEUNGRI: I don't get it
7:Back then everyone looked at me but when she came everyone ignored me and were talking about her, it hurt my pride as a man and idol...
7:I have been working as a dog for so long and she comes and get a whole training room for her self? And steal mi titles, I felt wronged
DARA:I am sorry
7:no no don't!

5-The way she apologized for making him hate her...2009⬆️

6- He was gealous of her talent. (2009)

7:to be honest j was more gealous of her, than hating her.
7:I had to work 2 or 3 times harder to get to the level she was, I envied so much her talent that it even made me doubt my own self and abilities, and the rumors weren't helping either, that's when I become curious about her.
INTER:ahhh being jealous of her made you curious about her

7- "Being jealous of her made you even more curious about her" 2009

8: her talent made him question himself and his talent ⬆️

9-His thoughts when he first saw her dancing (2009)

INTER:So you sneak into this room and you see her dancing what did you think
7:Ahhhh it was an eye opening moment
7:I immediately knew everything, why yg treated her like that, her separate room, why not having a teacher all
7:Until that very moment I had never ever saw someone dancing like that, not a teacher or an idol or even a dancer again, she wasn't just dancing she was telling a story with her dance and I had never seen that again. It was beautiful and emotional.

10- She was beyond his expectations... 2009

7:you know based on the rumors I had heard I knew that she was a great dancer but I didn't knew that she was the best!

11- His answer, on her statement...(2009)

INTER:you don't seem sad or surprised hearing that he hated you
DARA:No I am used to it I guess
INTER:what do you mean?
7:Yeah what do you mean?
DARA:it's nothing, it just seems that everyone hates me at first
DARA:everyone...I mean even and now if you go and most dancers they are going to say that
7:why didn't you tell me?
DARA:I don't know, I didn't think it's important enough I guess
7:well it's important for me, later on I want to know who those people are
DARA:what are you going to beat them? (Looks at her only)
DARA:oppaaa it's's okay

DARA + BB + 7 💛💖Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα