Part One

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Ace's Point Of View

"This is gonna be fun!!" Alex yells, snapping me out of whatever day dream I had been in, "hmm?" I question looking over, "The one to the movie set?" He says, shaking me, "oh" I mutter rolling my eyes. I only wanted to go because; it got me away from them, my foster parents, today was the Saturday theater kids field trip, Tony had managed to convince the teacher to let me and Alex go. No idea how he did it but here we are.

The buss driver hits a pot hole, we all bounce up and my head hits the buss roof, I let out a yell, "Learn how to fuckin drive!" I yell, "Lynn!" Tony yells. "Mister Loomis, watch your language please." Mr. Clark says, "Sorry." I mutter rubbing my head. "How much longer until we are there?" Alex yells. "12 minutes dude." Mr. Clark says, he seemed like a chill teacher, like he wanted to be your friend. Unlike other teachers.

Soon we pull on to a large complex. It has large sliding doors, like in a barn. "We're here kids." Mr.Clark says loudly over all the talking, i pull my phone out taking a picture of the outside of the complex. Tony looked around wide eyed, amused, "Tony already having fun." Alex says with a laugh, "he was waiting for this trip since the start of the school year, of course he is" i say with a smirk.

We all pile out the bus, "No acting a fool, dont touch a thing, i don't want anything to be broken or anyone to be hurt. We stay together unless i say you can wander around" Mr.Clark says. "yes sir's fill the air. We enter with a tour guide, i spot a few guards here and there, a few others walk around looking at the old movie sets, "wonder why they shut the place down," Alex says, "Ran out of funds, movie advertisements didn't get as much attention the producers hoped for, got canceled for some reason." I say looking around, "a ungodly amount of reasons Alex." I add, "how come you know that?" Tony asks, "i'm friends with a theater kid, i look up things and learn stuff so we have shit to talk about Bambi." I say looking at him, he gives a Laugh smiling, "Silly Lynn!" He giggles running over to Mr.Clark.

Of course I completely engorged what Mr.Clark said about wandering away, I looked at the big props and Fake homes. One stood out the most, I stood looking up at it. I study it carefully. "That...That was mama's house-" I mutter remembering, I look off to the side. "Grandpa's house too?" I mutter confused. "What kind of fucked up shit is this?" I ask again, talking to myself.

I hear a noise behind me in the over sized room, and I quickly walk into my childhood home. But this wasn't real. It was a set for a movie, or a show...maybe my mothers death was going to be put on one of those true crime shows.

The front room leading into the kitchen was the exact same. Every last detail, from the family picture to how she kept the kitchen in order. I walk through the front room. "Even the couch feels the same..." I mutter, I walk up the stairs, stairs that lead to the connecting bedrooms.

I walked into the room she shared with Sebastian, the man she would have to marry if she lived. The room was a mess, a mess just like that day when she ran from the kitchen to her room, and then mine. I boldly walk into the bathroom, kids hygiene products lay around the small counter, toothpaste, toothbrush and kids mouthwash, along with a small brush, my breathing picks up as I enter the bedroom, my bedroom where everything happened.

I see the knife marks in the door, my name on the door "Acelynn" in their pinkish red color, it was like they took the house and made it into a set. I walk in more to the door. My fingers run on the marks on the door from the knife. My eyes then wander to the rest of the room.

They first land on the light purple dresser, a golden ring with a emerald diamond on it, "mamas ring..." i say, i pick it up, it had the same marks on it from when she dropped it down the garbage deposited in the drain. Only me and her knew that...and her ring was missing at the crime scene...whoever made this set..had it..and placed it here, I pick it up putting it in my pocket. My eyes then wandered to the floor.

I let out a quiet scream as my eyes lay on the floor in disbelief, a body laid on the floor covered in blood. I knew it was fake, but it was like reliving what happened eleven years ago, the mannequin body looked just like my mother, every last detail. Down to how her green eyes looked so lifeless once she died.

I blink. I feel my eyes water up, she suddenly moves her hand moving, reaching out to me, " mama," I hear her voice say. She moves again and my attention was drawn away from her to the creaking of a door being opened, my eyes quickly dart to the closet, I see a tallish figure, It had a white and black mask on, Once no one in woodsboro could mistaken or not even know, It was the same one on my necklace, the same one used back in 1996 when all the teen deaths happened, even with the stab movies, the Ghost Face mask. "Vice or Alex, Who ever one of you is behind that mask, This is no time for one of your fucking jokes!" I yell heavily breathing, Its head only turns as it pulls out a knife.

As it lunges at me, I dart out the room falling down the steps, I let out a grunt and quickly jump up not knowing if whoever it was behind that mask was still following me, I run out the house and run right into someone, i flew to the ground breathing heavily, clearly in panic, Not about behind chased by Ghost Face, No....I was panicked about relieving her murder...I saw it happen, i saw everything.

"Ace..Ace!" Alex yells picking me up, "Im going to fucking kill Vice..." I mutter, "vice is at home trying to help his mom out due to his twin and Renne being killed," He says, "Then who the fuck chased me." I say, my body shakes, "No one, no one was here aside from you and now me..." He says, I shake my head, "Someone was there, someone was at the crime-," I mutter stareing off, He sakes me, "Its a set ace, A set," He says, "Then why the fuck was her lifeless body laying there! Her eyes were lifeless but she fucking moved! Her emerald ring was there!" I yell pulling away from him.
Mr.Clark and the class come in, "Oh dear," He says, "Lynn!" Tony says running over, I flinch back, I see a few of the guards wonder in, "This is why i said no walking off," He sighs, "You knew this was here?" Tony demands, "...Yeah...that's why we never came close to this part...." He says, "Then you should have fucking said something you fuck rag!" I yell shoving him back, A female guard and Alex grab me, "Acelynn Angel Loomis!" Alex yells, "Dont yell my full name Alexander Mark Redford!" I yell back pulling away from him.

The female guard lets out a sound, "Take your fucking meds then," Alex said, She starts to drag me away, "Man. Fuck them pills!" I yell at Alex. The short but pretty female dragged me to a room, She sad they had to call the cops, and they did, she leaves to the hall, I could hear her talking, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but she left the door open and was talking kind of loud, "...I think you may have another sibling...well half," She says, there's silence, "so how i took a job as a guard to the old show set to the true crime series that got shut down? Angelica Morgan's death was supposed to be one..." She says, it's silent once again, "I remember that as well, I remember what he said, why do you think I called you," She says, "Call the foster care place..." She adds there's more silence before she spoke again, "Alright, Bye," She mutters, she and the cops then walk in.

The check out the set and check to make sure I was not harmed, After they did, i was taken back to the group of students, from there we boarded back onto the bus and taken back to the school. I was still shaken up about the set...the exact likeness, her body...everything...

(Now I will admit i got the idea from Scream (3) This part was made [12/11/23] out of pure boredom in my classes (Mainly English) I will also admit some parts here and there May or may not be from the scream movies, I cant recall clearly if I did or not, But Anyways i Hope you all like it!!) 

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