He frowned a little, still smiling, as if that surprised him. "Never would've pegged you as a beer girl."

"Sounds like bad intuition."

Nyxa turned as Natasha entered the conversation, two beers already in hand. One went to the spy's own lips while she handed the other one over.

Nyxa allowed a smile of her own as she took the bottle, Sam raising his hands in defeat before leaving.
The redhead took the seat across from her, small grin on her face as she lounged comfortably.

"Surprised you agreed to all this," Natasha voiced, looking her over as Nyxa took a long sip of the alcohol. She had a feeling she'd need it.

"Apparently I'm full of surprises." Their bottles clinked together in cheers. Looking over the spy stretched out before her, Nyxa felt her own posture relaxing.
"So? You just here for my good company?"

"Something like that." That damned smirk still occupied her lips and Nyxa internally winced. Natasha didn't always make it easy to separate her and Kienna in moments like this.
She also didn't have to look that damned confident and content.

"You're doing well in training. Naturally, your combat skill are way ahead of theirs. But your shadows- your gift, sorry, has grown too... since I last saw it that is."

Nyxa had told the redhead a few things about her 'planet' before, including how common it was to have people with 'powers', as they called it here. She'd also explained how the proper word back home was gifts.
"You keeping tabs on me, Romanoff?"

"Making an observation." The redhead shrugged but that smirk was still there.

"Whatever you say."

"Careful, Nova. You're starting to sound like you might actually have a personality under all that seriousness," Natasha warned, voice raspy.

Nyxa leant forward, an instinctive part of her reacting to the teasing challenge. "You should know better than that, Nat-"

Natasha's smirk dropped and Nyxa's own words cut off as they heard the nickname she'd used. Their eyes locked and Nyxa knew they were thinking of the same thing. The same night.

Faster than her, Natasha recovered. "So, you and Wanda seem to be getting pretty close."

Nyxa shrugged, trying to remain calm and in order. "I like her. She's nice."

"Nice," Natasha murmered with a grin. Using her earlier words against her, she said, "Whatever you say."

"I do say."

Natasha just remained with that little grin and light in her eyes before standing.
"Well, as... interesting as this has been, some of us have things to do. Looks like I'll have to do your job tonight of being all work no play."

"Not as easy as it looks," Nyxa grinned, seeing an answering look on Nat's face.

"See you later, Nova."


They'd all been here for a little less than half an hour when the boys voiced the question that Nyxa herself had been wondering. Where was Wanda?

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