Droplets On Your Rosy Lips...

Start from the beginning

I, y-o-u a-lw-ays ta-ke ca-re of m-e,a-lw-ay-s, w-whic-h no one ev-er di-d, y-ou m-ad-e me h-ap-py, y-o-u m-a-de m-e f-e-el s-a-fe, th-at's th-e b-es-t fe-eli-ng ev-er I h-av-e fe-lt, y-ou-

Gemini couldn't control his own feet, which were nearing the little boy in front of him.
I am sorry nong , I am sorry for hurting you... Gemini kept ranting it.

The taller swiftly crossed any distance between him and his little kitten. Both of them could feel each other's breathe hovering over them.
"So-so I" gemini was welled up with emotions as well. Instead of saying anything he went with actions. Because words would never surpass the warmth of the physical intimacy. Thousands of unspoken words with a one swift action of love. He cupped the beautiful face below him in his hands and caressed it like a flower petal wiping off all the tear drops.

For once in his life, he decided to be a traitor to his brother, to the rest of the world, just to be a warrior to his one and only world. Yes, no matter how much he try to run away from those innocent eyes, he couldn't, at least for now he won't, because his little boy was shattering apart in front of him.

Finally he decided to be selfish.

"Can I kiss you?" his audibly inaudible voice came right below his chest awakened something in the little boy. Those overwhelming emotions inside the little boy made his body move first even before his handsome man.

Gemini was amused, as his little kitten crashed his lips on his.Buttery milk was no match how tender and soft he felt those lips against his. They were melting on Gemini's juicy lips.

Little boy understood he couldn't do as he expected, his heart was embraced in a mist of shyness to go beyond a light peck, boy was too embarrassed to face his handsome man in front of him.

"Look at me baby" gemini tenderly turned those pretty cheeks tinted in a colour of a rose bud towards him.
"Guess I am already addicted to them" Gemini's gaze was right on the newly discovered treasure of his, those lips. After couple of more seconds he continued to devour his lips. Invading those lips, he couldn't help but to feel pity for his little kitten as he already felt how obsessively he will mark a few of piecering bites on those pretty lips in the future .

Yes, this time he won't let go of this beautiful being in front of him. He was too precious to let go. He will put a good fight, so at least he will be able to be close to his kitten.

Once again the tension stepped its game to the next level.

An unconscious move happened from gemini made fourth sat on the counter top . Gemini was asking to explore the depths of the world hid behind those puckering lips. Fourth slightly opened his mouth giving access to gemini. None of them realised a train of tears were flowing from both sides due to the surreal pack of feelings. Slowly gemini parted fourth's legs and placed his handsome body between his legs performing the same actions on his mouth.

Little boy's tiny waist under his white shirt was crushed between those veiny hands as he carved for more warmth from the little body in front of him. His kitten has cupped his neck in those beautiful hands caressing the fluffy hair on the back of taller's neck.

Though Gemini’s actions could seem a little sinful to the world, to Fourth, it was assuring, his possessiveness screamed safety to him.

Amidst the heavy downpour, in a dim lit cafe, two hearts were entangled in a beautiful feeling which made them forget the ticking of the clock. Though some unresolved blood clots were still burried within those pair of hearts, they decided to give in. Atleast for the moment they couldn't control.

Hello there, I am not sure what the hell I wrote today, for real😂😭Whatever, how do you guys feel about our two loves relationship lately (I am talking about the real pairing 😭❤️)

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Hello there, I am not sure what the hell I wrote today, for real😂😭
Whatever, how do you guys feel about our two loves relationship lately (I am talking about the real pairing 😭❤️)

Gotta show you something, this is the exact image that I have in my mind for my barista fourth,

Gotta show you something, this is the exact image that I have in my mind for my barista fourth,

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I feel like this is a gift for me😭

Bye Byeeeeeee ❤️

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