Spilled Coffee Beans

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"Give it to me khub, Khun gemini asked me to not allow anyone into his office."

"Oh.. Khun I won't bother him, can't I meet him for a minute please?"

"I am afraid you can't Khun fourth, sorry"

"Please Khun, I just want to see if he is okay..."


Secretary's words were cut off by the sudden noise of a door opening.
The little boy ran towards him like a happy kid who saw is favourite person. Without being concerned about his actions he held into the fingers of the latter one, taking his hand in his.
"How are you p'gemini? Are you doing well now? Is your leg okay and w-"

"I am doing well fourth, you don't have to worry."

Though Fourth was taken back with the way gemini sounded he continued.

"P' I brought your favourite strawberry pies, eat well na-"

"Khun Fourth from now on, you don't need to come to the office anymore, I will make an arrangement for the delivery."

"But p'-"

"I am busy Khun Fourth, you can take your leave now khub!"
Khun fourth....

"P' did I do something wrong? -" his adorable eyes have covered in a teary mist already.

"Damn! Can't you understand what I am saying fourth??? , please go away , stop bothering me!"

"K-hu-b K-hu-n G-em-ini, I - I a-m so- so-r-ry. I a-m s-o-rry fo-r bei-ng ann-oying"

He bowed his head covering the broken voice while disappearing to the huge hallway.

"Never let him again"
Gemini glared at his secretary and stormed into his office.

In the ceo's office a man in a suit was staring at a petite figure through his window. The figure started to disappear slowly from his eye sight, may be... From his life as well. Slowly he released his tightened knuckles and get back to his seat. Like he always do.
It is been three weeks now. Satang informed him that he had been waiting for him every night in the cat nursery. But gemini couldn't. It's not his place, it's not his worth.
He wished he didn't notice the glistening tears inside those pretty eyes. He was the one who gave him those heavy drops. Quickly piles of documents flew across his table making a huge mess inside his office. He was burning, but not his body may be that dramatic organ in the middle of his chest.

Just like that msp era came to an end! I am so grateful bcs literally that was the best thing happened to me this year, but I kinda want them to try new things and to move on forward as geminifourth 🌻
Wishing a great year for all of us!!!
Happy early Christmas 🎊

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