Chapter 1: The Solo Soldier

Start from the beginning

Strike Driver: "Strike-Rise! Core Rising! Kamen Rider Strike!! Rise to fight."

The glass on the front of the Driver lit up with a red glow as bunches of machinery shot out of the Driver, creating a ring of parts behind him. Two metal arms extended out and started to pick at the pieces, attaching them to Yuuga to create his armor.

Steamlyner: "What are you idiots waiting for!? Attack him!" The Lyner commanded.

The grunts looked at each other and nodded, running up to attack Yuuga only for one of the arms to stop building the suit and swat them away.

They were helpless to stop it at this point, watching as the arms finished the suit and retreated into the Driver.

Kamen Rider Strike had on a black suit with red lines striped along the fabric. A blue and grey chestplate with a red core in the middle that every red line connected to. His helmet was primarily blue with bits of the grey underneath, spikes pointed upward on the side of it, a vent where his mouth would be without the suit, and a red visor with blue goggles above it. The final detail was a spoiler from a car attached to his back.

Strike dusted off the palms of his spiked gloves and glanced around, the grunts stumbling back as they didn't want to fight this person. The Rider reached up, pulling the goggles over his visor, and rushed over to the grunt closest to him.

Strike reeled his fist back, jabbing it straight into the chest of one of the grunts. The grunt would have stumbled back from this impact, but Strike grabbed it by its limp arm and pulled it toward him, leaning down and tossing the foe over his shoulder and into another one.

Three of them had advanced on Strike, attacking him from different directions. Strike ducked under the first one, grabbing it by the wrist and swinging the grunt around to slam it into another one, kicking the two of them into the third one.

Steamlyner: "Useless! Useless, the lot of you!" The Lyner shouted, shaking his head and slamming the railroad arm into the wall of the store.

Steamlyner: "I'll just kill him myself!" He declared, the furnace on his chest swinging open.

A heavy gust of wind threatened to pull Strike into the Lyner, causing him to kneel and hold onto a ledge to avoid being pulled in. The grunts weren't so lucky, however, getting sucked into the furnace and causing the chimney on the Steamlyner's head to flare up, and the metal to glow a hot white

Steamlyner: "You might call yourself a Kamen Rider, but there is no way that you're half the strength your old man is! I'll burn you to cinders!"

Strike rolled to the side as the Steamlyner slammed its arm down, the air around it sizzling and melting through the concrete path. Strike quickly took note of that, and pushed himself to his feet, stepping to the side to avoid a jab.

The Lyner tried attacking again, making wide and powerful swings followed by straights in hopes of clipping the Rider, but Strike always seemed to be an inch off.

Strike: "Those railroads you have for arms... They're glowing white."

Steamlyner: "Yeah? So what? Don't tell me you're going to be talking me to death!"

The Steamlyner decided to change its strategy, punching the side of a building off and melting the supporting beams, bringing it down on Strike.

Strike lowered his head and quickly kicked a stone into the air, catching it and tossing it straight throw the window of the building. He then jumped through the window he smashed and popped out on the other side.

Strike: "Well, I also couldn't help but notice that you're also melting through stone and concrete with incredible ease..."

Steamlyner: "Your point!?"

Steamlyner was just about to attack once again when Strike held up his hand, looking down to something that was on the floor.

Strike: "Chotto matte..."

The Lyner looked down just as Strike began to kneel and noticed a dog had walked up to them.

Strike could be heard letting out a squeal of joy as he rubbed the side of the dog's face and scratched its back.

Strike: "Who's a good boy or girl!? You are! Yes you are! Awww... You are just so adorable!"

Strike continued to shower the dog with affection, and for some reason Steamlyner was just letting him, going as far as to check a non-existent watch.

Strike: "Alright, run along now! I got some business to finish." Strike patted the dog on the side and stood up as it ran away from the both of them.

Strike: "Now... where was I?"

Steamlyner: "I was just about to kill you..."

Strike: "Hm? Oh, right."

Strike turned to Steamlyner as Steamlyner swung the burning piece of metal at his head. Strike weaved under it and backed up further and further, tricking Steamlyner into following him.

Strike: "The thing is, in order for something to turn white hot you need to burn it at least at 1,400 degrees Celsius. To melt concrete, you need 1,600 degrees Celsius. Hot enough to melt steel, as well."

Strike kicked at the leg of the Steamlyner, one of the only spots that wasn't burning as hot, and caused him to stumble while attacking. This caused the railroad to miss Strike and melt through the ground, destroying a pipeline.

Water erupted from the busted pipes which cooled down the body of the Lyner and trapping him to the floor. Strike took a couple of steps back as the Lyner tried to yank his arm out, reaching down and pressing the slot that held his module in.

A red glow shined out of the glass and module, triggering the red lines on his armor to glow.

Strike Driver: "Core Strike Finish."

Grinding his boot against the ground, Strike crouched down to stretch his legs before performing a somersault into the air, extending his leg out in the process. The mechanical arms that built his Rider form came out from the Driver yet again, creating a road that Strike attached to and shot forward, going straight through the Steamlyner.

Strike landed safely as the Steamlyner blew up, then not long later the Driver started to beep. A sign that the time limit on Strike was coming to a close, causing the armor to erode and turn to dust.

Yuuga: "Still not complete... I can only last three minutes as it is, but at least it was long enough to avenge my father..."

Yuuga stared at the burning remains of the Lyner, a weight being lifted off his shoulders.

The sirens soon could be heard from a distance, and Yuuga knew that with sirens came the police, the same police who had been chasing after this masked menace that was causing a ruckus all over the city.

Yuuga shrugged his shoulders and dashed off for the nearest alley, making his great escape before the police could come and arrest him.

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