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The future is a funny thing. You never know what it will hold. A few years ago, I never would have thought that I would be living alone with a child witch and her human bodyguard. My entire childhood I was sheltered from all danger and protected from anything that could have hurt me. I never knew it, because I supressed it, but I wanted to be out in the world.

Once my parents died and I moved in with my friend, it opened up a whole new world for me. It was my first time meeting a human. While I was skeptical at first I would later learn that maybe not everything my parents taught me was right. Maybe there is something more to life than hiding away. I wanted more out of life. An adventure, to explore, to find that something I was missing my whole life. I had no idea what I was searching for, but I knew I could not find it being scared and hiding from the world like I was.

I never could act on that desire. Responsibility kept me tied down to pay my portion of the rent and other expenses. But when the opportunity came for something different, I took it. Something in me told me to take a chance and go for it. It just felt right.

After living with Angela and Mifune for a while my thirst for adventure grew. Angela's childish nature rubbed off on me and I had big dreams of excitement and thrill. Though responsibilities tied me down, I still got to live out my dreams by doing something I never would have thought I would ever do.

I am partially Angela's babysitter turned parents. She is like my child. I take care of her and teach her and train her magic. Mifune is her bodyguard, though he also helps with other tasks. We have a bit of a domestic living situation going on. I really like it. It is like when kids pretend to play 'House'. But a little less dramatic than the imaginative stories that a child's mind creates. There is no dramatic affairs or secret spies. Though there is a minor threat in the area.

Mifune is not sure yet what it is. My instincts kick in and tell me to hide. So that is what I do. Angela and I do a lot of activities inside. What we do know is that there is more activity in the surrounding woods now. With all the people wanting to seek out Angela and use her for their own good, it is best to err on the side of caution. No one knows there is a second witch, me, staying there. Which could prove useful if I ever needed to help in the event of an attack. But I trust Mifune wholeheartedly.

He has proven himself to be trustworthy. He keeps his word, upholds his morals, and is just kind in general. I do not doubt for a second his judgement. While I am trying to be more skeptical of what I am told, he appears to be someone I can rely on to tell the truth.

Despite all that, I still want to venture out. I know it may not be safe. And it would be safer back home where Mifune would watch over the area and protect Angela and I. But there is this strong, almost magnetic, force that draws my attention out into the woods. It sucks me in like light into a black hole. I am helpless as it pulls me towards it, sucking me in. If I give in, I risk falling victim to whatever lies within.

But luckily I have some wit about me. Soul protect can cover my identity as a witch to anyone who can sense souls. But there is no real need to have it on all the time while I am here. And if I get into any real trouble, I can use my magic to get myself out. While my magic only works when I touch someone, directly or indirectly, it is useful. I may not be able to use it when standing in the same room and touching the same floor or wall as someone, I can use it if we are touching the same object, like a pen. I have tested the limits of my magic before. And Angela helps me practice a bit, though I only read her deepest emotions. I could not bring myself to manipulate her with magic. Using my magic was highly discouraged so it is not as strong as I may like it. But this way I get to practice it and grow stronger. Overall, I have a good plan set in place.

There is no delaying it any longer. I have the courage, and the timing is perfect. The grinning moon is high in the sky and the stars are out. Angela is fast asleep and Mifune should be wandering to bed as well. If I do not venture out now, when will I ever? Besides, I will just be checking it out. Call it assessing the situation, if this is a threat Mifune needs to be concerned about or not. I will be back in bed by morning before anyone wakes up anyway. No one will know I am missing.

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