First 3 classes

Começar do início

Levi drifted off in no time, dreaming of nothing as usual.

"Awh come on really?"

"Hey go do that somewhere else!"

"Get a room you two!"

Levi mumbled and slowly opened his eyes, the entire class was whining and complaining, two things he couldn't stand at all. He sat up and looked to see what was going on. Ymir and Christa were embraced and tangled in eachother, their lips locked and tongues moving about.
"Wh...what?" Levi looked in confusion. "Weren't they just yelling at eachother like...ten minutes ago??"
Hanji kept her eyes on the two girls,
"Um...Levi that was more like 40 minutes ago...and clearly they aren't mad anymore! Look at em go..."

"Hanji mind your own business."

"No way man...I wonder what it's like to kiss a girl..."

"Ymir and Christa, please no PDA in my class room." Miss Church sat back and gave them her "seriously guys?" Face.

A few seconds later, the bell rang for the next class.
"Thank god." Oulo muttered.
"More action than you'll ever get in your life frog face." Hanji snickered.
Levi smacked the back of Hanji's head.
"Ow! Hey Levi! You're so mean!"
He ignored her and pulled her arm,
"Come on let's go. I would rather not sit here and continue watching the Ymir and Christa make out session."
He dragged Hanji out of the room and he headed to his calculus class. It was an advanced class, so most of his peers were tolerable.
He and Hanji walked and talked about the laws of gravity, not too far behind them, Eren Jaeger was running with several books in his hand. He was sweating and trying to dodge everyone his his path.
"Look at the little dweeb trying to get to his little dweeb class on time." Jean Kirschtein chuckled, his slim body rested against the locker.
"Jean..." A calmer looking, freckled boy gave him his serious face.
"Stop acting so cocky. It doesn't make you look good."
"Hey...hey Marco.." Jean laughed, ignoring Marcos words.
"Yo watch this."
Jean stepped forward a bit as Eren was coming down the hall. He stuck his foot out right before Eren ran past him.
Eren felt his heart race and he gasped.
Levi and Hanji turned at hearing Eren yelp as he tripped over Jeans foot and landed hard on his shoulder; the books flying and scattering everywhere.
"Jean!" Marco grabbed the snickering boy by the shoulder and pulled him away, taking him away from the commotion that he had caused.

"Oh man!" Hanji rushed over to Eren, everyone was walking over him and kicking the books, unaware of whatever happened.
"Tch..." Levi glared at everyone walking by.
"Oblivious shit heads."

"Eren! Are you okay? You took a heavy fall!" Hanji helped the boy to his feet and started picking up scattered papers and books.
"Y...yeah I'm fine..." He slowly started picking up the mess as well.
Levi knelt down and picked up a book that had fallen at his feet.
"Hm..? A comic book? 'Tokyo Ghoul' ."
Levi skimmed through the book seeing all the graphic gory scenes.

"Oh!'s's a manga." Eren walked over and slowly started to take the book. Levi pulled it back, still skimming through it.
"Is this written backwards?"
Eren tilted his head
"Oh! it's a Japanese comic, so it's written to where you read it right to left, rather than a normal book or comic where you read it left to right."

"Oh....seems pretty graphic." Levi raised and eyebrow and Hanji walked to him, carrying a few more mangas herself. Levi tossed the book to Eren.
"We have to go. Come on Hanji." Levi turned and started back on the track to his next class.
"Oh...okay." Eren nodded.
"Thanks...." He smiled at Hanji and took the rest of his books.
"Hey Eren, right? Um why the rush? You have five minutes in between bells to get to class." Hanji gave a smirk of curiosity.
"Oh...I was trying to get these back to the library before it closed for the day....I heard today was the last day to return books and pay any late fees..."
Eren stared at the floor.
"And the library is supposed to be closing early...."
"Ah..." Hanji gave a look of sympathy.
"Well good luck...gotta run!" She winked and ran off, catching up to Levi.
"You're too damn slow."
"And you're too damn fast."
Levi chuckled quietly.
"Open the door for me."

Star SkyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora