Chapter 22 - Fishing lessons

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Staring up at the sky. The moon was awake, shining down at my face as I walked forward. It was finally nighttime which meant that Mort's fishing trip would commence. The four of us were walking through the woods that had many different trees of various sizes as my feet along with theirs stepped on top of rocks, dirt, and small streams of water, probably from some pond or possibly the lake we might be getting closer too.

The three red heelers chose to deck out in fishing gear while I altered to wear my normal clothes instead, due to Mort only having gear in a pacific size, one that I was not able to fit in as they were too big for me. The only size, if you're wondering, was two extra large. Regardless I was fine with just wearing my normal clothes.

"Hey Shane."

I heard my name being called, ending my rant to myself to see who had said that. I looked to my left and saw Brandy was now walking beside me. "What's up?" I asked her, wondering what she wants to talk about. "Remember when you suggested, I should tell Chilli and my dad about Luka?" She replied to me, with a question of her own. "Obviously... what about it?" I answered, I did  recall telling her she should tell Chilli and Her dad about him. Only thing that puzzled me was what she wanted to tell me else wise about it. Judging by her expression, I started creating a theory.

Is she actually going to tell them while we're fishing? If so, that would be a good approach. "Well I've been thinking about your idea since we've been here. But after some debating and thinking about it more, I finally made a decision... I'm gonna tell them." She announced to me. I was very surprised to hear that, my reaction couldn't speak volume as to how happy I felt.

But I didn't want to say anything just yet as I could see she had something else to say. "I believe it's the right time to be straightforward, and at the perfect place to announce it, no less." Brandy finished her sentence.

"Brandy. That's awesome to hear, I wish you the best." I told her in excitement. She was going through with telling them and I couldn't be more proud of her. "Yeah, I'm hoping for the best too. Just have to keep myself calm and collective. Be honest with them, cause I'm going to need a lot of luck right now." Brandy said while taking a few deep breaths.

"I think you'll do well." I rest assured her. She then messed with my hair before giving me a smile, happy that I have confidence in her to tell them. "What are you two talking about?" Unexpectedly I heard the voice of Chilli in front of us as we both looked straight and saw the red heeler. Who had her head slightly turned around, wondering what we were currently discussing about.

"Nothing important. Brandy was just telling me-" I tried to conjure up an excuse. However Brandy seemed to have already thought of one when she cut me off, replying to her sister with. "I was giving him some tips on what to do while fishing. Don't need him falling in the water especially without a life vest." I knew that wasn't what we were talking about. But I shook my head and went along anyway, seeing that Brandy wanted to keep her surprise for later instead of me spilling the beans to Chilli immediately.

"Fair point. Dad said earlier he has life vests in the shed, there should be one in your size Shane... unlike the fishing gear." Chilli explained, mentioning a shed next to the boat dock that held life vests I could wear. "Ok I'll probably grab one before we head on." I replied. I'm going to take note of that before heading out on the boat with them, who knows it might come in handy.

Chilli shook her head before turning back around. "Maybe we should keep quiet until then." Brandy whispered to me, knowing we almost got caught. I agreed and stayed silent about it until the time came, strangely I noticed we were still on our way to the dock despite having a conversation a second prior. It made sense, Why would we even need to stop in the first place? Not like there's anything of interest to see or even hear in these woods anyway.

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