Pt8. Mutual Interest

Start from the beginning

"My crew would be fine without me, they all share the same goal. I have no need for attachment towards those that share a goal with me." You huff quietly. They didn't need you at the end of the day, and you didn't need them. All you needed was your vengeance.

Tails frowns, leaning in a little, "It's okay to get close to people you know. I'm not telling you that's what you need to do but..." His eyes lingered for a moment in thought. "Things change, East. People can change, and I don't know what made you be this distant with everyone but... It's okay for you to change too. And if you ever decide you want to then I'll be your first friend. Promise."

You scoff, looking up at him. "That's a cute sentiment but I don't really believe in stuff like that."

He shakes his head, "No I mean it!" He holds a fist out to you, "This isn't a sentiment thing, it's a promise." He looks at you with pleading eyes, his tone gentle and firm. "I told you the day you saved us from the giant mech bomb, my friends call me Tails. And I want you to call me Tails."

Your eyes get a little wide at his sudden insistence, a genuine look of vulnerability flashing on your face before you push it back down. "Sorry fox, I'm not so easily swayed. We all have wants, doesn't mean we always get what we want."

He pouts a little, lowering his hand, "Well.. What do you want? If you could have anything in the world what would it be?"

"That's easy-" You let out a sinister chuckle, "I want Eggman to pay for all he's done. I want my hands to be the ones that deliver that judgement."

Tails sighs quietly, shifting gears. "Alright East, then I'll try to do this your way... I have information on Eggman's current plans. I know what he's planning on using the star posts for and why he's been in hiding for these past few months."

You sit up quickly, even the detectives hadn't given you any info on Eggman's current plans. "It's not smart baiting me, fox. If you end up toying with me I might just find ways to force information out."

He shakes his head, "I'm not baiting you, and in fact I'm willing to tell you everything I know. My only condition is that we work together."

You raise an eyebrow, "Sounds too good to be true, fox. Often times these types of deals where one side gains without compromise is a bad deal, you're not trying to play me are you?"

"You should know by now that I'm being sincere." Tails holds a hand out to shake, "No strings attached, we both share the same goal and I can't count on your team staying out of the way when mine launches an attack. We both need to work together to stay out of each other's way."

You make a stink face. This wasn't how he really felt, he wasn't looking at it like that but he said it to rationalize it to you. In actuality you figured he just wanted to force you to soften up some.


For him maybe it was something you could be willing to do... It was becoming hard to remain apprehensive of him after all of this one-on-one time you've been spending together.

You look down at his hand... "If I agree to this I want to be absolutely clear that this is an alliance between you and I, it does not extend to any of your friends or allies."

He nods, "Naturally, I wouldn't expect them to honor the agreement in the same way I will."

Of course he wouldn't force them into a cease fire either, he was so frustratingly open... So reasonable and yet so impossible. You roll your eyes, reaching a hand out and shaking firmly. "Alright fox, you have a deal. We will remain aligned until this threat is destroyed, now explain the doctor's grandiose plan."

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