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I figured it'd be best to publish a little index of things I will/won't write or, what I plan on writing about.

I use emojis at the start of the chapter name to signify the type of chapter,
[☁️] - Fluff
[♟️] - Angst
[🍋] - Smut
[🍷] - Suggestive romance

Normally I'll write the characters name who I'm writing about in the chapter title or at the very least in the little background I give for the fic chapter.
Characters that I enjoy and will probably write most about include but are not limited to:
Junker Queen - Overwatch 2
Drolta Tzuentes - Castlevania: Nocturne
Olrox -  Castlevania: Nocturne
Lisa - Genshin Impact
Dehya - Genhin Impact
Karlach - Baldurs Gate 3
Astarion - Baldurs Gate 3

This list is bound to expand, and requests for characters and fic ideas are always welcome!

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