ANOTHER update ( important! )

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I'm sorry that the dates of the uploads have been completely off to when they actually come out. The next chapter is what I'm working on today however (REALLY) my ADHD mind is really not liking the close schedule I've got for this series. So this just means that in the future updates to this will be more far apart to make sure that the chapters I release are actually good and they come out on time. The new chapters should be at least a month apart.

For now I can't promise that the new chapter "rubbing" will not be out today but I can say that it will be finished today and will be published tomorrow afternoon. I'm so sorry again for the missed uploads but please be sure that I'm making the uploads less frequently for your own sake. Thank you so so much for keeping up with my stupid ADHD mind.

The dates at the bottom of the new pages now should all be correct but that entirely depends if you guys want them there or not.

New chapters:

"Rubbing"- smut ( near end of December )
"Going against the lord" - smut
"An overstimulated performer" - smut

These are the chapters I'm currently working on however if you have any more ideas for the future please let me know in the comments!

Helliam smut 12+ Where stories live. Discover now