One of the gold cloaks yanked Larys to the side, who still had that annoying smirk on his face. Daemon would make sure it was erased shortly. The gold cloaks did not waste any time before beheading the four men in quick succession. Once it was done, Daemon turned to look at Alicent, who looked as green as her dress and was shaking uncontrollably, and Larys who was standing near her.

"Harwin, approach me please." The large man moved closer, looking towards his brother before looking at him. "Did you know that your brother planned to kill you and your father?"

"What?" Harwin looked so shocked Daemon felt sorry for him. He knew that man loved his brother and had spent his entire life protecting him. "He was going to kill you both to prove his loyalty to Alicent and to become lord of Harrenhal."

"That cannot be true." Harwin turned to Larys, his eyes pleading for his brother to tell him it was not true. "Tell me you would not do something so horrible."

"But he did." Daemon was not enjoying this, he did not wish to hurt Harwin, who had been a loyal friend for many years. "He hired two men who were locked in the black cells and cut out their tongues so they could not speak. What he did not know was that one of the men knew how to write. I was able to intercept them both before they could carry out their plans."

Daemon handed Harwin the letter and watched as the man read it. At one point the other man was holding the letter so tight he was ripping part of it. By the end, there was fury written all over Harwin's face and his body was so tight it looked like it would snap at any moment. Finally, Harwin crumpled the letter and looked at Daemon, his eyes were as hard as steel.

"Do as you please." The other man gave a last disgusted look to his brother before walking away.

"Well, you heard him." Larys's face had changed and he did not look so confident now. "I believe your time has come and I have decided to give you a similar death as the one you planned for your brother and father."

Larys paled as Daemon dragged him close to Caraxes, he could feel his dragon's pleasure at the idea of killing a few people. Daemon let go of Larys and stepped aside as the man fell to the ground.


Caraxes's flames were a thing of beauty as the man was burned to a crisp in front of everyone present. The man's screams were a balm to Daemon's soul, now he would never have the chance to do the things the gods had shown him. Once he was dead Daemon turned to Alicent, watching as the woman turned so pale that for a moment he believed she would faint, which would annoy him because he wanted her to suffer. Daemon moved to Alicent before he dragged her to Caraxes. He had barely let her go when the woman vomited as her body shook uncontrollably. Alicent had always been terrified of their dragons and now it worked in Daemon's favor. He waited until she was done.


Caraxes must have felt Daemon's deep hatred for Alicent because his flames came out much slower and softer, almost like a burning caress. Alicent screamed as she was burnt slowly, some of the lords and ladies present looked away, others vomited and some looked completely horrified. Once Alicent was dead Daemon turned to all the people present, he wanted to make sure they understood him.

"These past events have been most unfortunate and I am sure that while there might still be some people that do not agree with having a woman as a ruler, well, to be honest, I do not care." His gaze moved around the courtyard. "My wife is the rightful heir to the throne and she will be queen." Daemon crossed his arms behind his back. "Now all of you can kneel and swear fealty to my wife or you can die. Whoever decides not to kneel I will give them an honorable death. But if any of you betray your oath I will make sure you suffer unimaginable things." No one moved, they did not appear to be breathing. "What is it going to be?"

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