A Reunion

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There was a knock on the door and Avril shot off the couch like a bullet, and rushed to it. She pulled it open slowly and let out a high pitched squeal, making Valkyrie jump. She huffed, and followed Skulduggery into the kitchen. She watched him make tea for the Dead Men, and heard Avril's annoying voice from the lounge room as she spoke to Dexter, Saracen and Erskine.
"Do you still like her?" Valkyrie asked quietly. Skulduggery turned to her.
"Avril? Of course I still like her Valkyrie! She was my first partner," he answered. Valkyrie felt her heart drop.
"So, do you want her back?"
Skulduggery's head tilted.
"Are you, jealous?" He asked.
"What! No way!"
"Valkyrie you don't need to be jealous of Avril. You're my partner now and you don't have to feel threatened by her."
Valkyrie nodded. He made sense, but still, she didn't like it that his old partner was back and was in his house.
"I'm sorry. I'm being selfish and absurd I know," she said. Skulduggery leaned down and put his hands on her shoulders.
"Valkyrie you aren't being selfish, or absurd. If you're worried about losing me, don't be. Save yourself the trouble. Avril might have been my old partner, but you're my partner now. Avril isn't going to change anything between us okay?"
Valkyrie nodded, but didn't answer of smile. Skulduggery sighed.
"There's something else bugging you isn't there?" He asked. She looked up.
"How did you know?" She asked.
"I've known you for long enough now to tell when something's up," he replied.
"It's just..... No it's stupid. Forget it."
"No, I won't. And whatever it is, I'm not judging, no matter how stupid it is."
"Yeah that's very reassuring."
"Fine. It's because you were hugging Avril and I hardly get any hugs from you at all," she confessed. She was expecting him to yell, to hit her. What she wasn't expecting was for him to embrace her. Her eyes widened in surprise, but then she let herself relax, felt his bony figure, and she was comforted.

Valkyrie and Skulduggery walked out to lounge room together to see Avril spread out on the couch, and she wasn't letting Dexter sit down.
"Avril! Move over!" He yelled. Avril giggled.
"No!" She replied. Valkyrie exchanged a glance with Skulduggery and the skeleton stormed over and tipped the couch, making Avril fall into Saracen's waiting arms. The blonde girl scowled.
"What the hell Skul?!" She exclaimed. Dexter quickly moved to put the couch back upright and plant his bottom on it. Avril scowled and Skulduggery laughed. Valkyrie's heart lurched at the sound. Avril scrambled out of Saracen's grip and stood up, dusting herself off.
"Tea's in the kitchen," Skulduggery told her. "Will you get it for us?"
"Sure thing," Avril replied, and Valkyrie looked at her. Avril smirked.
"Valkyrie. Come and help me," she said. Valkyrie bit her lip, and reluctantly followed, feeling Skulduggery's gaze on her back as she went.

As soon as they were alone in the kitchen, Avril spoke up.
"Valkyrie, do you have a problem with me? Because if you do let's be straight about it."
"No problem here," Valkyrie mumbled, moving to stir the tea.
"Good. Because I was wondering." Avril leaned down in front of her and Valkyrie kept her eyes on the cups. "What made Skulduggery choose you huh? A little girl like you? I thought Skul would've had better taste than that."
Valkyrie tried to keep her cool, trying to stop her arm from shaking with anger.
"Skulduggery saved my life one night from an intruder. He taught me magic after my uncle Gordon died."
"Awwwww. Skul felt sorry for a poor little girl. Tell me, did you beg him?"
Valkyrie remained silent. Avril smirked, and stood up straight, her hands placed gently on the bench.
"You know he found me," she continued. "I helped him, so technically I found him. He was getting beaten up by one of Mevolent's soldiers, and I saved him. Call it what you want. Fate, destiny. The main thing is that it happened, and the next minute I was his trusty little partner who was more trouble than she was worth."
Valkyrie was still silent.
"Really Valkyrie? The silent treatment. Wonder why Skul went for someone as low as you?"
Valkyrie whirled towards Avril.
"Skulduggery took me in because he saw potential in me! He loves me and I love him! We look after each other and save each other's lives! We've saved the world together multiple times! I've saved him from Serpine! From hell when he got trapped with the Faceless Ones! He saved me countless times! You may have been his first partner Avril, but it's been 400 years, and a lot has changed. And if you think that you're just going to waltz in here after all that time and expect to resume the life you had with him before he died; sorry to disappoint you but that's not going to happen."
Avril didn't seem fazed about her outburst.
"And why do you call him 'Skul' and not Skulduggery?" Valkyrie snapped.
"When you're in the middle of battle it's kinda hard to shout out his entire name over the sounds of fighting, so Skul was easier to say. It kinda just, stuck," Avril replied, a smile forming on her lips. Valkyrie sighed.
"Whatever. Are you going to help me carry these cups out or what?"
"No need to be nasty. Of course I'll help you, even if I don't want to," Avril replied, and Valkyrie scowled.
"Just grab some cups," she snapped.

Avril followed Valkyrie out of the kitchen, a cup of yea in each hand. She smiled that fake smile of hers and handed them to Dexter and Saracen, while Valkyrie handed the other three to Ghastly, Erskine and Anton.
"So Avril, what made you come back?" Saracen asked, taking a sip of his tea.
"Just wanted to catch up with some of my old friends," Avril explained, winking at Skulduggery who only nodded.
"Well it's definitely good to see you again. We thought you were never coming back."
"When I learned that Skul was still alive I tracked him down. I didn't know that he had started detective work though."
Valkyrie remained silent. Avril was so fake, but nobody could see it except her. What was wrong with the Dead Men? Couldn't they see that Avril wasn't the same? She was a fake!
"Well we're glad that you came back," Dexter said. Avril smiled.
"I didn't come alone," she said.

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