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   Hey! It's 1:45 PM and I'm supposed to be packing up my school stuff. Anyway, something exciting is happening in my life right now! But first I need to tell the story...

    So uh-

     How do I say this...

    I'm about to reveal the reason why my room is so small...

    Why I haven't been publishing..

     My biggest secret on the internet...


     .... I live in a camper.... BUT NOT FOR LONG!!!!!

      Now, the reason behind it is understandable. When me and my grandparents lived in Wisconsin, we decided it didn't feel like home to us-- Ohio was our home! We also didn't want to move right away because if we did I would have moved schools 5 times. (It took me a while to find an environment that I enjoyed.) So instead of moving to my 5th school, we sold our house, put our furniture in a storage unit, and purchased a camper. We parked the camper in my great grandpas driveway. When school ended, we drove the camper here in Ohio (NOT telling y'all where). And that... Leaves us to right now. We found a house closer to where I was raised in Central Ohio. Not telling y'all exactly where. It's a HUGE fixer upper. It's a 3 bed 1 bath with like 8.5 acres of land with a creek and like 3 ponds. It's in the country and its like paradise.

     Now, why is it a fixer upper? In 2 of the bedrooms, the ceiling caved in and there is insulation EVERYWHERE, in 1 bedroom the floor is caving in, all windows need replaced, there's dirt EVERYWHERE, doors need replaced, and even more! I'll take pictures of the house when I can. And the best part is... WE ARE MOVING THE CAMPER THERE TODAY!! THAT'S THE REASON WHY I'M SUPPOSED TO BE PACKING!! We will focus on having everything fixed enough just so it can be liveable. And of course the rooms that are all broken... Are the spare ones that would be mine. NOTHING WRONG WITH THE MASTER BEDROOM!!! So if we do move in before we fix the rooms, I would have to sleep on the couch in the living room or sleep in the camper.

       Now I'mma go. The faster I pack the faster we can get the heck outta here. Since it's in the middle of nowhere, I won't have WiFi and my grandparents won't have signal. So if I can't tell y'all, happy holidays! I'll show everything I get for Christmas on here when I can. It's 2:10 PM and I'm off. GOODBYE FOR NOW MY BEAUTIFUL BEASTS!!!

Vent ThingyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora