*Had the time of my life*

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It was the first day off school and Anastasia decided that she was going to do it. She was going to tell her dad that she wanted to ride the city bus to school all by herself. Her mom always let her ride the bus alone because her mom was never around when she went to her house anyway. But her dad on the other hand.

He babies her. The girl loves him, don't get her wrong but he has a tendency to hover and it usually didn't bother her because she wouldn't do anything but this year she needed a change. So as a first step to change she had to ride the bus alone on the first day instead of riding with her father who would sing very loud for everyone on the premises to hear.

Walking down the stairs she could hear her dad singing and goofing off.Once she entered the kitchen she took a deep breath ready for the explosion of questions she was about to get.

"Hey dad morning" she said once she sat down at the table

"Hey Ana bear, almost ready to go. I just have to get my work bag and I can drive you to school." His father said to her with a smile.

'So... dad I was thinking instead of you driving me to school this year I could just catch the bus? I know you always drive me to school on the first day since it's the last time you see me in person till thanksgiving but you know it's a hassle for you to drive all around town to take me and get to work on time. And you'll have more time to spend getting ready? not that you need it! because you look great don't get me wrong but I personally think that you could never look too good so... yeah......Can I ride the bus to school?" She said all in one breath speaking really fast without making any eye contact.

"Okay"Ana's eyes quickly shifted from the floor to her dad's face.

"What?" Ana said, making sure she heard her father correctly.

" I think you should ride the bus. You're right it's been a hassle driving you to school and driving to work so I think we should give it a shot you can ride the bus home we'll spend this day together then we'll drop you off at your moms house on tomorrow i'm sure she won't mind but i'll give her a call to make sure '' her dad said with a smile

"Really?" " Thank you so much" she hugged him. Then she grabbed her school bag and left for the bus.
Ana's ride to school was..slow. It was so slow that Ana made it to school when the announcements were going on "so last night a Huntington player followed me to my car and punched me and now my face is totally fucked" and how apparently its only happening to all the losers.

Since she was so late she had to sit toward the middle where people usually got picked to talk, not her first choice but she could deal with it since Mr.G doesn't even know her name. And was usually prioritizing a porno then teaching.

The only perk of being late to class was the only seat available to her was the one right next to Hazel.And she overheard Hazel saying how she's screwed then leaned over and whispered

"Hazel, they won't be that much of a bother I bet she was just exaggerating" The brown eyed girl said with a small smile and a shrug to the girl sitting in front of her.

Hazel looked at her and smiled "really you think so"

Then for a second Ana understood why people do stupid stuff when they're in love because all she could do after Hazel said that was nod smile and turn back around. The bell rang and it was time to go to her next class.

It was later that day and Ana was going to her locker from lunch when Hazel walked up to her.
"Hey so I kinda need a favor?" Hazel said looking at Ana

"Well i do owe you so I'm sure I'll do it"Ana said to Hazel without making eye contact but smiling.

"There's this club I have with PJ and Josie. I'm not sure if you remember them from the carnival but we don't have that many members and I wanted to know if you would join?" Hazel said while Ana tried shoving her messenger bag into her locker.

"Yeah i'll definitely join but I can't come today. I have cheer practice and the school paper meeting to go to so just let me know when the next meeting is and I'll be there" Ana said while struggling to get her bag to stay in the locker.

"Okay cool yeah i'll send you the date" Then Hazel grabbed Ana's messenger bag, sat it sideways in the locker closed it smiled at Ana then walked off.

And for the first time in a long time Ana blushed. And she blushed hard.

Chapter two ! not a interesting one Im sorry  but I felt it was necessary to show a lil bit of Anastasia's life

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